Email filters in snappy mail?

I am very disappointed with the Murena Cloud - or better: with the web interface “Snappy-Mail”: It is hardly possible to create an email filter with normal user knowledge. For a simple forwarding of the emails, as far as I can see, already extensive programming skills are required.

How can I get a better web interface (Rainloop) back?

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Rainloop won’t be back.

You should see a “Simple” section, with “rainloop.user”.

Just click on “rainloop.user”, you will get an easy-style window like you had with Rainloop, then use “+ Add a filter” button:

Hint: if you accidentally switched to source editing and get a script editing windows, you can use the image button at bottom right to switch back to easy WYSIWYG mode :wink:

Don’t forget to save:

If using Thunderbird from a PC, you can also use the excellent Sieve extension.


Many thanks, that works! I haven’t found it so far!

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@manoj could the documentation be updated for SnappyMail?

Thanks for the feedback. Will pass it on to the infra team to update.

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