Error scanning and cleaning cache directory

I am trying to install easy-installer. I launched it then relaunch the snap command line (why did I do that ???).

At the moment it is not installed and I got the issue:

$ sudo snap install easy-installer --beta
[sudo] Mot de passe de claire : 
erreur : cannot perform the following tasks:
- Exécuter la configuration du point d'accroche du paquet Snap "easy-installer" s'il est présent (run hook "configure": 
/usr/local/share/fonts/node_modules/deep-equal: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 3 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/node_modules/deep-equal/example: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/node_modules/deep-equal/lib: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/node_modules/deep-equal/test: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/panda: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/panda (2): caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 1 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/panda (2)/panda: /usr/local/share/fonts/panda (2)/panda: error scanning
/usr/local/share/fonts/public-sans-1.008: /usr/local/share/fonts/public-sans-1.008: error scanning
/usr/local/share/fonts/raugi: caching, new cache contents: 2 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/swiftshader: /usr/local/share/fonts/swiftshader: error scanning
/usr/local/share/fonts/test: caching, new cache contents: 0 fonts, 0 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/typora-vue-theme-master: /usr/local/share/fonts/typora-vue-theme-master: error scanning
/usr/local/share/fonts/typora-vue-theme-master (2): /usr/local/share/fonts/typora-vue-theme-master (2): error scanning
/usr/local/share/fonts/world_series: caching, new cache contents: 1 fonts, 1 dirs
/usr/local/share/fonts/world_series/img: /usr/local/share/fonts/world_series/img: error scanning
/var/snap/easy-installer/common/fontconfig: cleaning cache directory
/var/cache/fontconfig: not cleaning unwritable cache directory
/snap/easy-installer/38/gnome-platform/usr/bin/fc-cache: failed

I try to clean or purge things with snap without success

Any tip ?


A search online of snap + gnome-platform/usr/bin/fc-cache: failed gets quite a lot of hits. It looks like a regular Snap error (not really Easy Installer, I think).

Firstly what OS and version are you installing on?

I do not know a lot about fonts but are the named fonts ones that you installed yourself, or in some way non standard to your OS, gnome, or maybe even gtk, or even a 32-bit 64-bit conflict.

Many of the posts I found were unresolved, does this one throw any light for you software installation - Snap error: Unable to install due to Fonts - Ask Ubuntu

If Snap looks all too difficult there is

Yes, I googled it, without finding any solution.
I change the computer and installed it. It works but my phone is not supported so return to adb and fastboot :wink:


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Hi @clr, welcome to this forum.

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