Error while installing /e/ on sony Xperia XA2

so the commands should be
fastboot set_active a
fastboot boot twrp.img

— wipe data - reboot

fastboot set_active b
fastboot boot twrp.img

Is that how it should go?

Sideload /e/ image after wiping. and try to boot first before setting other partition active, if it boots its ok.

fastboot boot twrp.img --set_active=a

also noticed that there is a flashall command for fastboot which flashes all partations - is that we’re looking for?

fastboot set_active a
fastboot boot twrp.img
flashall is for a “fastboot zip image”, the /e/ zip is not that.

ok running these two commands now

fastboot set_active a
going to boot now

fastboot boot twrp3312.img
Sending ‘boot.img’ (30016 KB) OKAY [ 52.669s]
Booting OKAY [ 5.283s]
Finished. Total time: 58.067s

however after this the phone turns on and all it shows is lines instead of twrp screen. Haven’t done anything. seems the phone is in twrp but the screen is not showing anything.

lines??, have picture?

it similar to what @shadowfax posted in the very beggining, screen seems illuminated but blank.

On the terminal, flashboot devices is not showing anything but adb devices list the phone

can you wipe userdata in TWRP?

not really from the phone itself as its blank, but maybe from terminal if there is a command

Activate fastboot mode using buttons, blue led should be on, then boot twrp again.

After that if it still not works, activate slot b, and redo everything. If it still does not work use emma tool and try to flash 50.1.A

ok will do that and let you know

I went to abd shell from terminal while the phone was in twrp with black screen.
pioneer:/ # recovery
I:Setting active slot A
I:Lun file ‘/sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_mass_storage/lun0/file’ does not exist, USB storage mode disabled
I:TW_BRIGHTNESS_PATH := /sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness
I:Found brightness file at ‘/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness’
I:Got max brightness 4095 from ‘/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/max_brightness’
I:TWFunc::Set_Brightness: Setting brightness control to 4095
I:LANG: en

So probably can wipe data from here?

No idea what recovery does at the adb prompt, android is partly booted at the adb prompt. Set the phone in fastbootmode, blue led.

ok, I’ll try to connect in fast boot and set partition to b and boot again

set active to b and boot again but still the same, blank screen :frowning: so will have to find someone with windows and get emma

after setting b you went to twrp, and wiped data?

Additional note Sony Flash Tool “Emma” is compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP.

Those who want to use Linux do not have to do without Windows: Dual- / Multi-Boot Ubuntu & Windows. Windows and Ubuntu each need at least one partition of their own on the hard disk.

E.g. Windows 7 can be used for 30 days without entering a product key. However, as with Windows Vista, the trial period can be extended up to 120 days using certain commands.

thanks @archie I’ve got a spare laptop and going to install win 10 iso onto that.
And by the way the Sony Flash tool Emma does not work on XP, it says windows 7 or higher is required.

@sonyxa2 @archie @andrelam Thanks. I’ve got a working windows 7 laptop now with EMMA and I’m in the process of flashing it with 50.1.A

Does anyone know if it will install oreo or pie, just as a caution if its pie I need the lineage os image?

Thanks again for being so awesome