Fairphone shuts down after entering pin and goes into recovery mode


My Fairphone 3 does not start anymore. It switched off and when I want to restart it, it boots into recovery mode. When I click “Try again”, it does go to the start screen. But whenever I unlock the phone, it shuts down.
Once I could briefly see “Protokolldatei konnte nicht erstellt werden” (protocol file could not be written). I get like 0.5 seconds to click something before it shuts down. Before entering the pin code to unlock the phone it is fully operational. The error only occurs when I enter the code.
I suspect that the storage is full, as the phone has warned that the storage space is getting low, but cannot access the phone to verify this.

Is there a possibility to secure the data, delete part of the data (to free up some space) or reinstall the latest update?
I have tried accessing the data via ADB or installing the latest update (which should already be installed), but always get the errors:
127|FP3:/ # storage
/system/bin/sh: storage: inaccessible or not found

and when trying to install the update via sideload, I get this message:
Failed to find update binary META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary

I am not surprised that I cannot access the data since the phone is not unlocked. Is there any workaround?

I don’t want to do a factory reset and loose all my data.

I am very grateful if you could help me please.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

My Fairphone 3 does not start anymore. It switched off and when I want to restart it, it boots into recovery mode. When I click “Try again”, it does go to the start screen. But whenever I unlock the phone, it shuts down.
Once I could briefly see “Protokolldatei kommte nicht erstellt werden”.
I suspect that the storage is full, but cannot access the phone to verify this.

Is there a possibility to secure the data, delete part of the data (to free up some space) or reinstall the latest update?
I have tried accessing the data via ADB or installing the latest update (which should already be installed), but always get the errors:
127|FP3:/ # storage
/system/bin/sh: storage: inaccessible or not found
and when trying to install the update via sideload, I get this message:
Failed to find update binary META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary

I am not surprised that I cannot access the data since the phone is not unlocked. Is there any workaround?
I tried unlocking it with bootloader but get only failed - I guess I have remote manipulation switched off…

I don’t want to do a factory reset and loose all my data.

I am very grateful if you could help me please.
Thanks a lot in advance!

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

from a recovery you should be able to delete data on the userdata partition. Even with enabled file based encryption you can gauge the size. twrp can decrypt the partition on recovery start though, so that’s only a bump with the /e/ recovery. Deleting some longer video recording is probably easiest or some App data in Android/ - “du -cs * | sort -n” can tell you where’s low hanging fruit.

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Thank you for the answer.
The problem is though that the phone turns off immediately as soon as I enter my code to unlock it. And without unlocking I cannot access the data.
Any recommendations how I can access the data without unlocking the phone?

it shouldn’t turn off within the recovery mode. Work from the recovery mode, /e/ recovery does speak adb too (after being enabled). If you have the device bootloader-unlocked, just boot twrp temporarily from within early boot menu (“fastboot boot path/to/twrp.img”) to get easy mount and decryption.

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Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, I am not very proficient in coding or command line. I spent all night googling to get to the point where I can find my device in the fastboot menu. However, then it appears that I cannot do anything, since my phone is locked. I do not manage to get it to device state - unlocked. It’s always in device - locked. I see the folder list with ls in the adb shell view, but as soon as I try to access it, I can’t.
Could you please help me with a more step by step guide on how to do the proposed steps? That would help me immensely, as I am learning by myself from the very beginning here…
Thank you very much in advance!

ok, step by step to free up some space - I think this will work from within a locked /e/ recovery after you enabled adb in the /e/ recovery menu - How to mount encrypted /data partition in recovery mode? - #14 by tcecyk - the user had similar circumstances (full disk)

if you read it to the end, the user looked at file size and group ownership - by seeing “media_video” inside /mnt/userdata/media/0/… it was a sure bet to be a video file.

full disk was an issue in this thread too… makes me think damn Android, retain some space buffer! Bootloop on FP3, after disk size full (maybe)

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Sorry, I do not understand this.

I did this and got this:
FP3:/ # dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata
/system/bin/sh: dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata: can’t execute: Permission denied

I did not find in the thread how to unlock the phone.
What command do I need to use for that?

Or how do I get permission?

Juhuuu! It worked. Thanks so much!!! Thank you for your patience!


achievement unlocked.
If this happens more often, /e/ recovery probably will need a mount + file browser as TWRP has to help users that don’t bring along adb and persistence. Enforcing user cleanup earlier after storage warning would be another option.