Feedback for v1.13

It is not what i have experienced on my device…

The risk is not installing TWRP,
the risk could be using it to apply a factory-reset or to wipe /internal-storage or to wipe /data or to format /data

v1.13 never showed up for xz2c, did something go wrong? I saw RC and RC4 for it.

The device is already reported. Look there:

  • Vendor Asus
  • Device Zenfone 8
  • Device CodeName sake
  • Version of /e/OS previously 1.12.3-s/dev
  • Is the device Rooted Not Rooted

Update went smooth - no issues so far! Thanks!

Same issue here, my Redmi Note 8T (ginkgo) is stuck on 1.11 too and doesn’t find any updates, even after repeated taps on the refresh icon.

Thanks, I overlooked that.

Version 1.13 is not yet available. Instead of hitting refresh I suggest periodically checking the downloads. When 1.13 shows up there then more than likely it will show up in the updater.

/e/ image ROM download - ginkgo

Ah, I forgot, the ginkgo is listed as one of the devices that so far has missed 1.13.

Week 32, 2023: Development and Testing Updates - /e/OS Smartphone Operating System / Development Updates - /e/OS community

Note the comment from Manoj…

The team did extract a list from the image servers of all builds that did not get v1.13. Will share the information as to how we will be handling these builds… Releasing with v1.13 or v1.14.


Hi, thanks for the update. On my FP4 it fixed an issue I was having with in-app maps, which basically @!!#@$-up my car-sharing app. (com.goodmoovs.goodmoovs) This happens every so many updates, which kills my mobility options. Probably there is no other way to check the functioning of an app in a new update than installing it?

Oh thank you so much, I can’t believe I somehow missed that list on the weekly thread!

Asking others on the Forum to give it a try?

Has someone noticed a battery drain ?
This screenshot below show battery use on my poco f1 : i have never seen as much of screen battery use !!!

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Vendor BQ
Device name: Aquaris XPro
Device codename: bardockpro
Previous version:
Not rooted

Issues: microg core is periodically using gps.
No other issues.


Vendor name: BQ
Device name: Aquaris X
Device codename: bardock
Previous version: e-1.8.1-q-20230206257879-dev-bardock
Not rooted
Issues: microg core is periodically using gps.

No other issues.


Why are there dips and rises in your battery graph?

Fully charge your phone. If it behaves properly the battery stats should reset (100% straight line). After that there should only be a decline, whether steady or drastic, doesn’t matter as long as it is going down.
When it reaches a low point like 15% or less you can see actual app battery usage in that particular cycle.

I think straight lines are night timelapse : i put my phone in airplane mode.

  • Vendor: Fairphone
  • Device: Fairphone 4
  • CodeName: FP4
  • OS before update: /e/OS 1.12.3
  • Rooted: False

/e/OS 1.13 has been running quiet good for the last couple of days on my device. For some reason the permissions for some apps were reset during the update and need to be granted again. I can’t remember all the apps/permissions but here are some them:

  • VLC: Files and Media
  • Shelter: Files and Media, Display over other apps
  • NewPipe: Display over other apps
  • AnyConnect: VPN Connection/VPN Provider

Strangely the same permissions were not reset for some other apps:

  • Aves Libre: Files and Media
  • Signal: Files and Media
  • ProtonVPN: VPN Connection/VPN Provider

Anyways thanks for the update, cheers!

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Yes. To me it implies periodic plugging in of the charger. So let’s say battery usage from some app shows a rather high percentage. A user may complain that app drains badly.

But the graph will show a series of dips and rises indicating charging. Not fully charged, stats are not reset, no point to start measuring. No clearly defined start of a battery cycle so the app’s perceived high usage may be an accumulation over a period of plugging/unplugging.

Sort of, kind of, maybe.

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Any FP4 (stable) user using Mail app and having trouble receiving notifications since approximately 1.13-s? I’m getting crazy checking all notif parameters over and over :exploding_head:

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Vendor: Fairphone
Device: Fairphone 4
CodeName: FP4
OS before update: /e/OS 1.12.3
Rooted: False

Update went fine, but having issues with receiving notifications, all settings checked various times.

Also having issue with the brightness of the screen, it dims without any reason.
I have turned off any setting related to this, but no improvement.

And I have the ghost inputs as mentioned in the FP4 topic.
Here is reported that there will be a solution for this by FairPhone

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Now I know I’m not alone struggling with notifications with FP4, I’ll write a gitlab issue. Thanks for the info!

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