Feedback for v1.9

Just downloaded the new update. So far, everything is working fine.

One comment regarding Advanced Privacy. I’m appreciative of the permanent notification that advanced privacy is currently using a fake location–helpful to know. But for me, the reverse is the most important: I’d like to know when the fake address is OFF. I will always remember to turn it off when attempting to use an application that uses locations, since it will always show the faked address when starting. What I need help remembering is when I’m through using actual location–a reminder to tell me to turn fake back on.

So it would be helpful if the permanent notification option was settable for either/both advanced privacy conditions.

Great job! I love this phone! (And I really must admit that I love sticking it to the man!)


Fairphone 3+ purchased from /e/ foundation. Previously on 1.8.x. I seem to have lost a shortcut to an app bottom right of first screen. Can’t have used it a lot as don’t remember what was there but usually don’t have space on first page/screen. Existing notes don’t show applet with Star in middle and if try to open one I get error message that ‘Bliss launcher crashed’.

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Thanks for mentioning, I noticed exactly the same just a few days ago. App most likely beginning with the letter T (or “later” in the German alphabet), but of course this might not be related to a specific feature of an app.

P.S.: Might have been “Text Edit” (found this on page/screen 2)

The update went smoothly a few days ago, no issue.

Apart from GPS no more working on S9+ for some apps since 1.2 (#5984) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab : as expected the GPS has stopped working in Naturalist and TrackBook apps (after around 2 weeks OK) last week (was under 1.8.1), and updating to 1.9 didn’t help (as expected : nothing about that in the release notes).


I can see @string/call_log_header_today in the voice mail. Translation problem?

/e/OS 1.9-s
language French
Sony Xperia XZ2 “akari”

Issue raised in Gitlab related to FP3 and VPN connection problem described in earlier post.

For me it was “notes”: Note tool not working after upgrade (#6790) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab

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FP4: Again fast battery drain even tho its not in use most of the time. I started at 6am with 100% and finished after about 60 Minutes of screen time at 5pm with 5%. It seems that every other update introduces battery problems while the next one fixes it again.

Really weird behavior.

Strange. I did start my FP4 at 6:30 this morning, now it’s 22:30, and I still have 73% of battery despite I used it all day long for my work…

Maybe try to close unused app and shut Bluetooth down?

GSI /e/OS V1.9


Vendor Name: Lenovo
Device name: Tab 10 HD
Device Code Name: X306FA
Version of Stock which existed previously: Android 10
Is the device Not rooted

The /e/OS V1.19 GSI seems to run faster than the previous versions and all essentials work, including the Bluetooth connection to the Lenovo Smart Dock as well as charging the battery in the dock and LAN via USB-C to RJ45 adapter.

Only the headphones do not work, no matter if 3.5 mm jack or USB-C port - no sound is reproduced and the device speakers are not turned off. Also, not every Bluetooth device is recognized, e.g. physical keyboard.

Overall, the /e/OS V1.9 GSI is a valuable software to degoogle smartphones and tablets from Android 8.1 to 10.

Thank you e-Team.

Thank you for the update, I received the notification today for FP3 stable.
I personally find the UI of Android 12 atrocious. I get nauseous when looking at it. I preferred Android 11. I guess there is not much to do about it. Maybe with time I will get used to it.

EDIT: also I lost my color changed style. Now it’s blue and only blue. The option was already removed but the profile was still working until 1.9 :frowning:

FP3+, upgrade from 1.8.1-stable-R to 1.9-stable-S
Size of PIN-field on lock screen changes between two sizes. Mostly it is much bigger than in R, sometimes its about the same size but with new design.
Screenshot of lock screen shows all black.

  • Vendor Name : Fairphone
  • Device name : Fairphone 3+
  • Device CodeName : FP3
  • Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : /e/OS 1.8.1 R
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not rooted

Unfortunately, the battery drain has not been fixed in 1.9 S.

While microG was listed as the most battery consuming component in 1.8.1 R, it is still overtaken by the mobile network in 1.9 S. The plausible display only follows in 3rd place, with all real apps far behind.

I agree with the users who have complained about some of the UI changes in Android 12. I also think that in many places the fonts are too big and too much white space wastes space, for example in the settings (see screenshot above) as well as the huge brightness slider and tiles in the status bar.

I’m also bothered by the location access indicator pill in the status bar that flashes every time an app uses the location service. It feels like WeatherOnline retrieves the location every minute (1st blink), whereupon the GSM location service responds only seconds later (2nd blink).
It would be nice to be able to disable the flashing indicator pill.
As a test, I have removed background location access from the WeatherOnline app and reduced it to the duration of active use. Let’s see, maybe this will also reduce the energy consumption of microG.

Did it yesterday.

What I see at first sight is: slow. Some apps need now several seconds to load they didn’t need before. I cleared already all app caches but the behavior remains. Slow.

Android 12: The changes to the pull-down button bar at the top are ugly, completely superfluous and even unlogic (the square button at the bottom is visible but doesn’t work as expected). What I ask myself is: why must one of the must used GUI parts of the OS be changed again and again? For what???

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Confirmation of the battery drain with no app running nor wifi/bluetooth activated.

Just found out what has happened. Notes was the applet bottom right of first screen. Somehow magically got moved to last screen!

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Yes, same for me : for some reason, it’s like it has been uninstalled and reinstalled ; may be the app version change includes also some kind of app id / name change to some extent ?

I vaguely remember that in my case, the moved app was in the same page 2 position :+1:

If I try to open an old note I am still getting BlissLauncher crashed! Perhaps a change from BlissLauncher is needed in future?

For everyone here who is not happy with the big Android 12 UI elements and other changes. This has nothing to do with /e/ nor the Bliss launcher and is just part of Google’s the new design system called Material 3.