Feedback for v2.1

Vendor: Fairphone
Device: Fairphone 4
Device CodeName: FP4

To be honest, I am not sure about the rest. It was on 2.0 before. I am just doing the standard thing. Since the update today, after unlocking, I shortly see the background screen and then a black screen. I can’t do much. Notifications are received, I see App Lounge updating some apps, but I don’t know what to do.

Update: After two restarts and a bit of random button pressing, it seems to have resolved itself :slight_smile:

@cehuisken - Warning: Moto G5 cedric: do not update to 1.21r - #6 by tcecyk still that file missing in a “montana” as in “cedric”?


after the Update to 2.1-t (Android 13) my Fossil Smartwachtes App no longer works. All cached data was deleted and I cannot reconnect my two watches. Bluetooth connects, but the setup cannot finish. There is always a “network connection error”, although every other app works.

I tried switching off Advanced Privacy thinking that it maybe blocked the connection to the Fossil servers, but that did not solve it.

Any ideas?

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

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Galaxy S7
Version 2.0 R Stable-herolte
Not rooted
The update to version 2.1 went without issue. It has been running without issue for four days now.
I hope my phone holds out, materially speaking, as long as e/os can be updated!
Thanks to the whole team.


Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 5
Device CodeName: FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: v.2.0 stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

(Device bought via

Despite patchnotes regarding solved issue with crashing Bliss launcher forcing to see boot logo animation, this issue is still present and occurs when display is set to 90hz.

Within the first day I got two crashes, one using Bliss Launcher and the other using Discreet launcher. Switching to 60hz seems to not cause crashes.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device: Fairphone 4
Device: FP4
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: v2.0 stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: Not rooted

Have found the same issue as another user in his thread: Fairphone 4 some (USB-C?) chargers do not work
one side of the USB-C Charger does not fast-charge while the other side does. It does sometimes switch as well. May have been present in v.2 but was not (for me) present in 1.19.1

Vendor Name: Xiaomi
Device name: Mi 10T Pro
Device CodeName: Apollon
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: 2.0
Is the device: Not rooted

The update itself went smoothly. But beginning with /e/OS 2.0 I realize a heavy battery drain of “App Lounge” when apps are updated. The download percentage indicator goes up to 100% for the first updatable app and then stays like this for around 15 to 30 minutes. No “installing” indicator vor anything else comes up. Sometimes after around 30 minutes App Lounge sends the notification that n apps have been updated, sometimes a phone reboot is needed. During this time the phone gets warm and the battery drains rapidly about 20-30% within minutes (pls. See Screenshot).

I’ve already cleared the cache and storage of App Lounge with no difference.

Besides this /e/OS doesn’t handle self installed trusted CAs correct for 3rd party apps. Apps like Homeassistant or Firefox browser don’t trust theses self installed CAs while the internal browser does. I’ve checked with LineageOS and LineageOS with microG where these CAs are trusted in 3rd party apps. So it doesn’t seem to be the apps itself nor the CA certificates.

Since version upgrade from 2.0 (Android 12 S) to 2.1 (Android 13 T) crashes and reboots happen. Sometimes complete eOS restarts but without displaying the initial fairphone screen. Signal app crashes when opening a received message. Maybe eOS crashes when receiving a whatsapp message (not sure if this is the reason).

  • Vendor Name : Fairphone
  • Device name : Fairphone 5
  • Device CodeName : FP5
  • Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t - stable
  • Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-s - stable
  • Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not rooted

I had a lot of issues with the camera after upgrading to 2.1-t. No picture saved or corrupted image. Clearing the camera app. data and cache solved the issue.

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  • Vendor Name : Fairphone
  • Device name : model 3
  • Device CodeName FP3
  • Previous Version of /e/OS : 2.0
  • Not rooted

No trouble whatsoever save the, now classical, Citymapper app that for a couple of years has been starting but freezing itself (only itself) seconds after its welcome screen… I remember it working on /e/ but that was long, long ago really…

Apps optimization after update was very long (but I have lots)

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 4
Device Code Name : FP4
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t - stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-s - stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : rooted

problem with Wifi: when clicking to connect on a specific wifi the phone restarts
click on “Networks needs to be verified” and it restarts
I’ll go back to 2.0

Update: Finally, it’s specific to a certain Wifi network… not sure why. now working with another Wifi network.

Hello -
Great update from 2.0 to 2.1 and R to S with a Samsung S9 (starlte). Huge thanks to /e/ team.
It went smooth and nothing to complain so far except minor android changes… BUT I suspect a noticeable battery drain compared to 2.0/R. Now clearly “OS Android” is the top battery user.
To be monitored…

Vendor Name : Samsung
Device name : S9
Device CodeName : starlte
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-s - stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-r - stable
Not rooted

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Thats definitely not the case with my FP4 but mine is not rooted.
Maybe someone with a rooted FP4 can check ?

To be clear:
after 6h from last full load, with a normal usage, the phone is at 54% battery with:
“OS Android” 19% of use (an android robot black icon)
“Android System” 4% of use (a blue and grey gear icon)

That was absolutely not the case with 2.0 and R … I remember seeing “Android System” but not “OS Android” at all, or it was really low in the consumption list…

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device Name: Murena FP3
Device Code Name: FP3
Version of /e/os: 2.1r-t (stable, android 13)

Vendor Name: Murena
Device Name: Murena One
Version of /e/os: 2.1-s (stable, android 12)

The upgrade went perfectly well, thank you for the great job you’re doing.

It may help to clean cache of apps that are battery-hungry, did you try that already?

(In case one wants to generally do that after an update: the app cachecleaner could help by automating the process.)

@ obacht:
Hello - thanks for your reply -
So it happens that I did clean almost all caches a few days ago - but thanks for pointing me to that app cachecleaner, this seems pretty useful.

It think in my case it is not specifically an app draining the battery, it is the system itself. When checking the list of battery app usage, now I have that ‘OS Android’ item (black android robot icon) which is eating most of power, but when tapping on it nothing happens (as opposed to other apps, when clicking on it it goes to the app battery menu) - and I can’t recall seing that “OS Android” in the previous android 11 (R) battery usage list - seems to be a change in android 12 (S).
So it seems to me that the system is draining the battery…

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Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 4
Device Code Name : FP4
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-t - stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-s - stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

Since the update, the 2-button gesture navigation doesn’t work (pulling up on the home button is equivalent to tapping on it).

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Hello! I meant to select “updated and having issues.”
Main one affecting daily function is that every time I open the music app the music restarts.
Loving the new lock screen media player though!

Vendor: Murena
Device name: Fairphone 4
Version: 2.1 (whichever is the most recently provided update)

Second one is not an issue but observation and wondering if this will change or become customizable (I already read somewhere that the system color of the light blue won’t change), but when typing with the keyboard, the space bar is incredibly bright and distracting with each key stroke. It basically looks like a strobe.

General functionality with the new app and overall UI transitions is very glitchy.
Additionally, I have not yet been able to get my hearing aids to connect via bluetooth. The phone registers that they exist, I select the hearing aids one by one, and nothing happens.

I am, however, extremely grateful that Murena exists, puts in so much time and energy, and is community oriented. Thank you for taking the time to try to make things better.

If anyone reads this, is there a way to switch back to the previous version? Still learning these things.
Kind Regards

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Vendor Name : Samsung
Device name : Samsung Galaxy S9+
Device Code Name : star2lte
Version of /e/OS : 2.1-s - stable
Previous version of /e/OS: 2.0-s - stable
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : not rooted

Works fine for the first couple of minutes, but then it crashes and restarts over and over again. Can’t do stuff that takes longer than a few minutes…