Feedback for v2.3

Does anybody know, where I can find the 2.2 s version for the fp5? I need to go back to a functioning version.
Info: on 2.3 the service recognition (webdav) does not work.
I did download davx5 to try to create carddav and caldav accounts. But there the same issue like in the systemapp accountmanager.

Samsung S9+ “star2lte” bought at Murena
updated to /e/OS 2.3-s-20240816426374-stable-star2lte
previously running with /e/OS 2.2 (S, stable)
not rooted

Works very well,

Did you install the 2.3 update from August 16 or from August 20? The August 16 version is reported to have issues (beyond the ‘usual’ reboot issue), as can be read in the above comments.

Too early to comment on that. My FP5 on 2.2 did reboot several times a day. Will see how 2.3 works.

Thank you for your time and answer! I did install the update from the 20. Aug. So this is not the case.

stable/official: /e/OS stable FP5 download
dev/community: /e/OS dev FP5 download

Here’s how to find out what you are running … [HOWTO] Give complete /e/OS version info easily for support, answers, comparison etc

Reverting to an older version means to install the older version from scratch. User data will be wiped.

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Thank you for providing this information about the wiki (how to)! So I will not go back to the version 2.2 because of losing user data.

Vendor Name : Fairphone
Device name : Fairphone 5
Device CodeName : FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : 2.2T
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not rooted

Update was ok but there are (still) some things that dont work or are missing:

  • Its not possible to record videos with more then 30FPS because the file is corrupted - recording stutters
  • Eco Charge is still missing (and maybe limiting charge state)
  • Chromecast does not work (MicroG crashes) but that could be a Google thing
  • Changing the USB behavior if connected to PC - No quick panel to change this, only if USB debugging is enabled (also only changeable if USB debugging is enabled and if disabled, then only for some time, then you cannot change it again)
  • Since 2.1 after some weeks the foundation.e.blisslauncher drains a lot of energy, this starts randomly

App related issues:

  • Techniker Krankenkasse - No login with biometric possible because of missing Playstore
  • Tomorrow - “Its not possible to scan IBAN because device does not support it” (issue with camera?)
  • REWE - Searching for current location crashes the App
Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 4
Code name: FP4
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 2.2-t
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted : Not rooted

As previously reported for 2.2:

  • GCam apps do not work, barcode scanner does not work
  • Calendar notifications are not showing up with default calendar, but work in google calendar

Very dissappointing, that previously working things are not fixed with the next release…

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Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 5
Device CodeName: FP5
Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously: /e/OS 2.2
Is the device Rooted / Not rooted: ?

After e/OS 2.0 + e/OS 2.1 + e/OS 2.2 → i installed e/OS 2.3-t → still Random crashes to bootanimation + back to lockscreen!

Isn’t the FP5 one of the most important mobile phones for Murena? Fairphone supports Murena out of the box, and the e/OS on FP5 hasn’t been working properly .
I am disappointed, still no solution after so long :frowning:

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Chance does not agree with your statement. It would imply that many FP5 users have the same issue with their hardware, and it also does not play well with the fact there is a known bug for this exact issue with Murena.

The phone has been exhibiting this behavior:

  • for multiple users, all with FP5 models
  • on various software versions

I can additionally tell you, as I have posted before, that the issue (for me at least) ALWAYS coincides with app updates that are triggered either directly before the reboot or directly after one. Since I have not found a way to disable automatic app updates, I’m at the mercy of Murena here. If I could disable that, I could pick my own moment to deploy app updates to test my theory, but at this point I’m reasonably convinced the issue lies somewhere in this corner, connected to the automatic app updater.

I’m far less convinced a hard reset would help since the phone was brand spanking new to begin with (new, clean purchase from Murena) when it was already exhibiting this behavior. It would also be a major pain in the neck for me since I have a lot of custom stuff set up on it, up to and including 2FA auth apps that all have to be reset to do this.

So yes, I’m becoming a bit impatient with Murena (not) dealing with this. It cannot be that their flagship phone has a crippling issue that is not resolved for 4 versions in a row.

If using App Lounge,

Open App Lounge > Settings, bottom right > Untoggle Automatically install updates.

Android accounts appear broken, at least for Nextcloud. I cannot add a Nextcloud account, and my previous accounts stopped working.

I notice this immediately after the upgrade and it worked beforehand.

The accounts work fine for apps that do not use the Android accounts feature, and also via web browser.

Trying to remove the accounts work, but adding a nextcloud account back does not work anymore. It does not even appear to be checking whether the domain exists, it just says there is no connection.

I am using a VPN but this has never been an issue in the past, and the same nextcloud account works in another app that does not use Android accounts and it works in web - both on the same phone using the same VPN.


Vendor Name Fairphone
Device name Fairphone 4
Device CodeName FP4
Version of /e/OS which existed previously: 2.2 stable The device is Not rooted

As I wrote here

I have the same problem. Maybe I have to open an issue on GiLab?

This is a specific app issue. I’m not sure whether or not this is OS related… I guess it was working on previous version. This must be related to a conflict between FP and open camera. Your app doesn’t know which one to choose. Try to see if you can make one of the camera the ‘default’ one for your app.

Thank you.
Yes, app related but only since v. 2.2 of /e/OS.
It is not possible to choose the default app. I tried to unset Fairphone Camera but I had the same behaviour.
I opened a GitLab bug.

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I’m facing the same issue with an FP5, and I agree with you that it’s a shame not having a fix for monthes.
Yet, manoj said it would be done for the next release (2.4), and the issue on gitlab shows that it is now in validation, meaning something was done and currently being tested. I didn’t find a public location where the fix can be seen, I suppose it’s somewhere internal.
In the meantime, a workaround (that I didn’t test myself) often mentioned is to use a different launcher.
I suppose that the team had other issues to fix, since that one was probably tricky as only FP5-related and do not make the phone unusable (even if I agree with you that in case of emergency it could be highly problematic).
Sadly, it’s not the first time that I see such cases in the open/free software world… seems “normal”.

Vendor Name: Fairphone
Device name: Fairphone 5
Device CodeName: FP5
Current Version of /e/OS: 2.3-t (stable)
Rooted: No
  • The random crashes to bootanimation which send back to lockscreen is still here.
  • Gcam port still crash because of “No HRD+ compatible raw format supported”.

Vendor Name - Gigaset
*Device name - GS290
*Device CodeName - GS290
*Version of /e/OS or Stock which existed previously : 2.2
*Is the device Rooted / Not Rooted - Not Rooted

Everything working a-ok

Same here. Icons on home screen are slightly “off center”.

Galaxy Tab S6 Lite
Not rooted