Fp5 nfc payment app

I’ve got a FP5 with e/OS/ (android 13) and I try to use nfc payment app.
Would it be with Credit Mutuel Pay, Lif Pay or Pay Lib, it does not work.
The Paylib supporting service (I call them) said to me my phone is not supported by the EMVco entity.
From the settings, I’ve checked NFC is active but I cannot enroll my mobile into any of previously mentionned app.
Any idea how to solve this issue ?

There is similar issue PayPal not recognized as NFC pay app - #2 by lbll

thank you

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Having a CIC account, I never could get Paylib to work.
However, I have CIC Pay working perfectly fine (/e/OS 2.x T), so Crédit Mutuel Pay may work for you.
Can’t remember if I applied any “tweak” to get it work, so probably none :wink:

For further help, please post details about any error.

Try enabling billing requests in the microG settings. It should help.


thx ; I tried this tip without success :pensive:

@VinK3645, @smu44 : do you use FP5 ?

I unfortunately don’t, but those kind of problems are rarely due to hardware… I wanted to advise you on that, as this is required for some payment apps to work properly.

Please also refer to that topic, which list payment apps on /e/OS.

Nope, Xiaomi Mi MIX 2.
As asked before, any detail about errors may help!

No error
here is the lifpay sreenshot

Here the last credit mutuel pay screenshot before switching to the credit mutuel main app (no screenshot available, all is black)

It must be a security from the bank app to prevent you from taking screenshots of sensible data… It does the same on WhatsApp when trying to take screenshots of a Once view photo.

I’m sorry, but I don’t see any error log or notification at your screen. Can you please explain what’s happening more precisely ?

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