[LIST] Banking Apps on /e/OS

This is an editable list of banking apps that work on /e/OS.

Please enter details only after you have tested all features of the application.
If some functionality is not working mention that in the comments.

Country Bank App Name Comment E F G H
Argentina Banco Galicia Banco Galicia everything works
Argentina Banco Macro Macro everything works
Argentina Cuenta Dni Banco Provincia installed and loged in
Argentina Brubank Brubank everything works
Argentina Banco Ciudad Banco Ciudad everything works
Australia ANZ ANZ App everything works
Australia Great Southern Great Southern App everything works
Australia NAB NAB App everything works, unfortunately the added benefit of the built in digital payment wallet is being phased out by the bank in favor of google pay/ apple pay.
Austria Erste Bank sIdentity everything works. Package name: at.erstebank.securityapp
Austria Erste Bank George Österreich everything but EPS electronic payment confirmation and stock trading works. Package name: at.erstebank.george
Austria Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG Mine smartID everything works, package name: at.hypovbg.smartid
Austria Oberbank AG Oberbank app everything works, package name: at.oberbank.mbanking
Austria Oberbank AG Oberbank security app everything works, package name: at.oberbank.securityapp
Austria Raiffeisenbank Mein ELBA works since v1.0
Austria Raiffeisenbank RaiPay worked since v1.1 but now not any more since an app update
Austria Bawag Bawag Banking App can be installed but say device is rooted and wont open
Austria Easybank Easybank App v3.15.2 (June 2024) works without problem. Tested FP5 eOS 2.1-t; FP2 eOS 2.1-r
Belgium KBC KBC Mobile Does not work Feb 2025 Google Play Aurora store
Belgium KBC K’Ching banking app for children pre 12 Google Play Aurora store
Belgium Various itsme eID app required for online banking in Belgium Google Play Aurora store
Belgium Argenta Argenta app app required for online banking in Belgium [App Lounge] works fine
Belgium Payconiq by bancontact Payconiq most used payment app in Belgium, needed= Magisk canary, MagiskHide Props Config (install fingerprint) and Universal Safetynet Fix. Works since v1.2q on a FP3 without Magisk.
Brazil Banco do Brasil Banco do Brasil https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.bb.android&hl=pt&gl=US Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM, but app isn’t found on /e/ store (the app is already in App Lounge, updated on 08.Jan.23)
Brazil Caixa EconĂŽmica Federal CAIXA Not working. Login error.
Brazil C6 Bank C6 Bank The credit card section don’t work. The others functionalities are ok.
Brazil Nubank Nubank https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nu.production&hl=pt&gl=US Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM, but app isn’t found on /e/ store (the app is already in App Lounge, updated on 08.Jan.23).
Canada ATB com.atb.ATBMobile From Aurora Store, works on 1.20
Canada CIBC com.cibc.android.mobi From Aurora Store, works on 1.20
Canada EQ Bank com.eqbank.eqbank everything works
Canada RBC RBC Mobile Working in e1.9 was not working in e1.5 when I last tested.
Canada Tangerine Tangerine Mobile Banking From APP Lounge always worked on FP3.
Canada BMO BMO Mobile Banking From APP Lounge always worked on FP3.
Colombia Bancolombia Bancolombia Personas Install from App lounge, working fine
Czechia Air Bank MyAir (cz.airbank.android) everything works (no microG needed)
Czechia Česká spoƙitelna George Česko (cz.csas.georgego) everything works
Denmark Merkur Merkur Mobilbank Install from aurora store with microG disable
Finland Nordea Nordea Mobile - Suomi https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.nordea.mobilebank Not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store. Authentication requires Nordea ID app
Finland Nordea Nordea ID https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nordea.mobiletoken Not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store.
Finland Nordea Nordea Wallet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nordea.mep.npay Not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store.
Finland S-Pankki S-Mobiili https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.spankki installed from Aurora app store.
Finland Osuuspankki Op mobiili Everything works
France / EU Boursorama bank Boursorama
France BforBank BforBank
France Crédit Coopératif Crédit Coopératif
France Banque Populaire Banque Pop everything works, package name: fr.banquepopulaire.cyberplus
France BRED Banque Populaire BRED https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.bred.fr
France Fortuneo Fortuneo
France Hello Bank ( BNP) hello bank Works perfect on 1.14 including " clé digitale" which checks for many root ways.
France Revolut Business com.revolut.business https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.revolut.business
France Qonto eu.qonto.qonto https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.qonto.qonto
France Orange Bank com.orangebank.android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.orangebank.android
France La banque postale com.fullsix.android.labanquepostale.accountaccess https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fullsix.android.labanquepostale.accountaccess
France MaFrenchBanque (banque postale) fr.mafrenchbank Works perfectly eOS 1.17
France CIC CIC/Filbanque https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cic_prod.bad
France Caisse d’épargne Banxo Works perfectly https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.caisseepargne.android.mobilebanking
France CrĂ©dit Agricole Ma Banque in the past, “Magisk” installed and its “Shamiko” and “Universal Safetynet-fix” modules setted-up were needed for SECURIPASS validation. update : validate SECURIPASS look impossible now with or without the help of Magisk modules
France Credit Cooperatif Credit Cooperatif install via Aurora; simply porting the apk from elsewhere doesn’t work.
France Crédit Mutuel Crédit Mutuel, banque en ligne https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cm_prod.bad&hl=fr&gl=US works perfectly, even NFC card payment through paylib / credit mutuel pay
France AXA AXA Banque France https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.axabanque.fr&hl=fr&gl=US
France Shine Shine Everything works with an existing account since some v0.x.
France Helios Helios - Le compte Ă©cologique available through App Lounge - package name : com.lydia - issue detected on S7 during identity validation process (for future customer)
France Lydia Lydia available through App Lounge - package name : do.helios.app
Germany Sparkasse Mobiles Bezahlen ihre Digitale Geldbörse https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.s_payment.mobiles_bezahlen (with Fairphone 3, or phone with NFC chip)
Germany Sparkasse S-PushTAN https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starfinanz.mobile.android.pushtan
Germany Sparkasse Sparkasse ihre mobile Filiale https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starfinanz.smob.android.sfinanzstatus
Germany Comdirect Comdirect photoTAN https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.comdirect.phototan
Germany Deutsche Kreditbank DKB-Banking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.dkb.portalapp
Germany Deutsche Kreditbank DKB-TAN2go https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starfinanz.mobile.android.dkbpushtan
Germany GLS Bank GLS mBank Fully works! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.gls.mbank
Germany ING-DiBa ING Banking to go App Lounge
Germany Paydirekt Paydirekt com.gimb.paydirekt.app
Germany DAB BNP Paribas DAB SecurePlus https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kobil.dab
Germany VR Bank VR Banking Classic https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiducia.smartphone.android.banking.vr
Germany VR Bank VR-SecureGO https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiducia.smartphone.android.securego.vr
Germany Triodos Bank / multi bank My Banking Classic https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiducia.smartphone.android.banking.wl
Germany Triodos Bank SecureGo plus https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiduciagad.securego.wl
Germany Triodos Bank Digitales Bezahlen https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiduciagad.android.wlwallet
Germany / EU multi bank support banking4 http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=subsembly.banking, https://subsembly.com/
Germany / EU N26 Bank GmbH N26 Mobile Banking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.number26.android
Hungary OTP OTP Bank Installed from Aurora Store. Everything works
India Paytm Payments Bank, UPI, Wallet Paytm https://paytm.com/, https://www.paytmbank.com/
India UPI, Wallet PhonePe https://www.phonepe.com/ Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM
India UPI BHIM https://www.bhimupi.org.in Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM, but app isn’t found on /e/ store
Ireland Personal TSB PTSB Works fine. Installed from the App Lounge
Italy Banca Etica Banca Etica Install from Aurora store
Italy Bbva Bbva Italia Install from App Lounge
Italy Bper Bper Install from App Lounge
Italy BPM BPM Install from App Lounge
Italy Fideuram Alfabeto App Lounge (It doesn’t work for all users)
Italy Fineco Fineco Install from Aurora Store
Italy Hype Hype Install from App Lounge
Italy Ing Direct Ing Italia Install from Aurora Store
Italy Intesa Sanpaolo Intesa Sanpaolo install from app lounge
Italy Mediobanca Mediobanca Premier Install from Aurora Store
Italy MPS MPS Install from App Lounge
Italy N26 N26 Install from App Lounge
Italy Poste Italiane Bancoposta install from aurora store
Italy Poste Italiane Postepay installed from App Lounge
Italy Revolut Revolut Install from App Lounge
Italy Webank Webank Install from App Lounge
Italy Wise Wise Install from Aurora Store
Lithuania / EU Revolut Bank UAB Revolut Installed from Aurora Store. Everything works
The Netherlands BUNQ BUNQ works 100%, installed via /e/ App Lounge
The Netherlands Rabobank Rabobank https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.rabomobiel
The Netherlands Rabobank Rabo Wallet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.rabowallet (NFC payments)
The Netherlands ING Nederland ING Bankieren App Lounge, Aurora Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ing.mobile
The Netherlands ASN Bank ASN Mobiel Bankieren via Aurora store
The Netherlands ABN amro bank ABN amro via Aurora store
The Netherlands OpenBank OpenBank via Aurora store
The Netherlands SNS Bank SNS Bankieren via Aurora store
The Netherlands Triodos Bank Triodos Bank via App lounge - ability to scan QR code depends on app version
The Netherlands KNAB bank KNAB bank via Aurora store working but digital bankpass does not show requires google play services e.g.
Norway Sbanken Sbanken app App lounge
Norway Sparebank1 Sparebank1 Mobilbank App lounge
Norway Vipps Vipps Works in v1.0, previous releases need Magisk or similar
Portugal CGD Caixa Directa Working in /e/OS R https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cgd.pt.caixadirectaparticulares
Portugal CGD Caixa Directa Empresas Working in /e/OS R https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pt.cgd.caixadirectaempresas
Portugal Banco Santander Totta S.A. Santander Empresas Portugal Working in /e/OS R https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pt.santandertotta.mobileempresas
Poland mBank Polish mBank Working since v1.18
Slovenia Addiko Bank Addiko Mobile Slovenija
Slovenia Delavska Hranilnica DH Mobilni their other app “DH Denarnik” does not work though
Slovenia DeĆŸelna banka Slovenije mDBS
Slovenia N Banka Mobilna N Banka bank claims it should work, it is in Huawei store, but we haven’t tested it
Slovenia Banka Sparkasse M.Stik is in Huawei store, should work, bank says they don’t guarantee it though
Slovenia NLB KlikIn their other app “NLB Pay” does not work though
Slovenia Nova KBM mBank@Net & mDenarnic@
Slovenia UniCredit Banka Slovenije Mobilna Banka Go!
Slovenia Rekono OnePass not a bank, but an auth app most Slovenian banks rely on for 2FA and 3D Secure
Spain Deutsche Bank DB-App not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store. You also need to download DB Secure Authenticator - No longer working since 3.0.52 Shame
Spain Openbank Openbank-banca movil Install from Aurora store with microG disable
Spain Laboral Kutxa Laboral Kutxa Install from Aurora store
Spain Cajamar Grupo Cajamar Install from App Lounge
Spain ING Direct ING España. Banca Móvil Install from App Lounge
Spain CaixaBank CaixaBankNow Install from App Lounge
Spain CaixaBank CaixaBank Sign - Firma digital Install from App Lounge
Sweden Avanza Avanza Bank Stock market, uses BankID app or own login. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.avanzabank.androidapplikation
Sweden login, many BankID The most used electronic ID in Sweden, issued by many banks, and used by banks, authorities, and other services - so is used by many apps. Use camera & fingerprint. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bankid.bus
Sweden login, spreading Freja eID Electronic ID also suitable between persons. Camera & fingerprint. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.verisec.mobile.frejaeid
Sweden ICA Banken ICA Banken Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.icabanken
Sweden Danskebank Danskebank
Sweden Kivra Kivra Handles receipts, invoices, other documents, signing
, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kivra.Kivra
Sweden Klarna Klarna Payment service, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myklarnamobile
Sweden LÀnsförsÀkringar Bank LÀnsförsÀkringar Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.lf.mobile.android
Sweden many Swish “Cache replacement” Quick payment to shops and persons, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.bankgirot.swish Quirk: Fail to detect QR (/e/OS 0.17 up to 1.6 and current Swish Dec 2022, Fairphone3 with updated (3+) camera) Workaround: key in the code manually, or first take a picture using your camera app, then in Swish QR scanner interface use the button to use picture.
Sweden Skandiabanken Skandiabanken
Sweden Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB SEB requires BankID app.
package name: se.seb.privatkund
Sweden Sparbanken Sparbanken (Savings Bank Private) Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.sparbankerna.mobilbank
Sweden Sparbanken Syd Sparbanken Syd, Sparbanken Syd NEoS Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.sdc.a.mobilbank.sparbankensyd New version “NEoS”, beta, also work: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.sparbankensyd.beta.internetbanken
Switzerland Luzerner Kantonalbank LUKB E-Banking works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Luzerner Kantonalbank LUKB LUKB Key works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Luzerner Kantonalbank LUKB Twint works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Luzerner Kantonalbank LUKB debiX+ works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Alternative Bank Schweiz ABS CrontoSign Swiss not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store
Switzerland Bank Cler Bank Cler Zak Not supported on Unofficial https://www.cler.ch/de/forwards/zak_download_app_android
Switzerland neon neon - deine Konto App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neonbanking.app
Switzerland Swissquote Swissquote Trading Including the mobile 3 authentification https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.swissquote.android&hl=en&gl=US
Switzerland UBS Twint
Switzerland Postfinance Twint installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Prepaid Twint works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland findependent findependent does not work (always missing internet connection)
Switzerland Swisscard Swisscard works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland BLKB Login App works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Selma RoboAdvisor works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland WIR Bank Viac 3a works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Sonect Geld abheben works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland UBS UBS Mobile Banking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubs.swidKXJ.android (Aurora), also necessary app “UBS Access: Secure Login” works https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubs.swidK2Y.android (Aurora)
Switzerland ZĂŒrcher Kantonalbank ZKB ZKB Access Available on App Lounge, this one replaces the former “photo TAN” app
Switzerland ZĂŒrcher Kantonalbank ZKB ZKB TWINT Sometimes Issues with QR-Code scanning
Switzerland Yapeal Yapeal Works only on ‘stable’ builds
Switzerland Raiffeisen MobileSCAN rooted V1.12.3 without problems
Switzerland Raiffeisen PhotoTAN rooted V1.12.3 without problems
Switzerland Raiffeisen Twint rooted V1.12.3 without problems
UK Tallymoney Tallymoney Save & Spend Gold Worked fine on /e/OS all builds including latest v1.15 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tally.android also in Aurora store and App Lounge
UK Nationwide Building Society Nationwide Banking App Works, apart from on /e/OS v1.8 Updated version 59.10 (20251107) now refuses to run becasue on LineageOS for microG because ‘This device is rooted’ (it is not)
UK Smile Bank smile Working in /e/OS R build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cooperativebank.smile
UK Co-operative Bank Co-operative Bank Personal Working in /e/OS R build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cooperativebank.bank
UK Co-operative Bank Co-operative Bank Business Working in /e/OS R build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.co_operative_bank.sme_mobile_banking
UK Monzo Bank Monzo - Mobile Banking Working in /e/OS S build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.getmondo
UK Starling Bank Starling Bank - Mobile Banking Working again at the moment (but has stopped working a few times previously) No longer works (see this comment)
UK Triodos UK Triodos Bank UK Cannot set-up app as once you get to needing to record your face it gives a message saying you need to install Google Play Services
UK Nat West Bank Nat West Installs and seems to work fine
UK Halifax Halifax Unable to toggle cards to freeze payments. All other functionality seems to work.
UK Halifax Halifax When I tried to install the app to open a current account I got all the way to the end before it say “Something went wrong” (Teracube 2e, /e/OS 2.5)
UK Revolut Ltd Revolut - Mobile Finance Stopped working as of /e/OS 2.5 (at least on Teracube 2e see this comment)
UK Barclays Barclays Bank Working since v1.18
UK HSBC HSBC Bank Working since v1.18
USA America First Credit Union AFCU Mobile No issues
USA Venmo Venmo Works fine
Australia ANZ ANZ App everything works
Australia Great Southern Great Southern App everything works
Australia NAB NAB App everything works, unfortunately the added benefit of the built in digital payment wallet is being phased out by the bank in favor of google pay/ apple pay.
Austria Erste Bank sIdentity everything works. Package name: at.erstebank.securityapp
Austria Erste Bank George Österreich everything but EPS electronic payment confirmation and stock trading works. Package name: at.erstebank.george
Austria Hypo Vorarlberg Bank AG Mine smartID everything works, package name: at.hypovbg.smartid
Austria Oberbank AG Oberbank app everything works, package name: at.oberbank.mbanking
Austria Oberbank AG Oberbank security app everything works, package name: at.oberbank.securityapp
Austria Raiffeisenbank Mein ELBA works since v1.0
Austria Raiffeisenbank RaiPay works since v1.1
Austria Bawag Bawag Banking App can be installed but say device is rooted and wont open
Austria Easybank Easybank App v3.9.1 (Sept 2023) Works since eOS 1.15-r (no more ‘device rooted’ message)
Belgium KBC KBC Mobile Google Play Aurora store
Belgium KBC K’Ching banking app for teenagers Google Play Aurora store
Belgium Various itsme eID app required for online banking in Belgium Google Play Aurora store
Belgium Argenta Argenta app app required for online banking in Belgium [App Lounge] works fine
Belgium Payconiq by bancontact Payconiq most used payment app in Belgium, needed= Magisk canary, MagiskHide Props Config (install fingerprint) and Universal Safetynet Fix. Works since v1.2q on a FP3 without Magisk.
Brazil Banco do Brasil Banco do Brasil https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.bb.android&hl=pt&gl=US Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM, but app isn’t found on /e/ store (the app is already in App Lounge, updated on 08.Jan.23)
Brazil C6 Bank C6 Bank The credit card section don’t work. The others functionalities are ok.
Brazil Nubank Nubank https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nu.production&hl=pt&gl=US Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM, but app isn’t found on /e/ store (the app is already in App Lounge, updated on 08.Jan.23).
Canada RBC RBC Mobile Working in e1.9 was not working in e1.5 when I last tested.
Czechia Air Bank MyAir (cz.airbank.android) everything works (no microG needed)
Czechia Česká spoƙitelna George Česko (cz.csas.georgego) everything works
Denmark Merkur Merkur Mobilbank Install from aurora store with microG disable
Finland Nordea Nordea Mobile - Suomi https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.nordea.mobilebank Not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store. Authentication requires Nordea ID app
Finland Nordea Nordea ID https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nordea.mobiletoken Not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store.
Finland Nordea Nordea Wallet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nordea.mep.npay Not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store.
Finland S-Pankki S-Mobiili https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.spankki installed from Aurora app store.
Finland Osuuspankki Op mobiili Everything works
France / EU Boursorama bank Boursorama
France BforBank BforBank
France Crédit Coopératif Crédit Coopératif
France Banque Populaire Banque Pop
France BRED Banque Populaire BRED https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fr.bred.fr
France Fortuneo Fortuneo
France Hello Bank ( BNP) hello bank Works perfect on 1.14 including " clé digitale" which checks for many root ways.
France Revolut Business com.revolut.business https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.revolut.business
France Qonto eu.qonto.qonto https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.qonto.qonto
France Orange Bank com.orangebank.android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.orangebank.android
France La banque postale com.fullsix.android.labanquepostale.accountaccess https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fullsix.android.labanquepostale.accountaccess
France MaFrenchBanque (banque postale) fr.mafrenchbank Works perfectly eOS 1.17
France CIC CIC/Filbanque https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cic_prod.bad
France CrĂ©dit Agricole Ma Banque Before e-1.0-stable build or using dev build, you needed “Magisk” installed and its “Shamiko” and “Universal Safetynet-fix” modules setted-up for SECURIPASS validation.
France Credit Cooperatif Credit Cooperatif install via Aurora; simply porting the apk from elsewhere doesn’t work.
France Crédit Mutuel Crédit Mutuel, banque en ligne https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cm_prod.bad&hl=fr&gl=US works perfectly, even NFC card payment through paylib / credit mutuel pay
France AXA AXA Banque France https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.axabanque.fr&hl=fr&gl=US
France Shine Shine Everything works with an existing account since some v0.x.
France Helios Helios - Le compte Ă©cologique available through App Lounge - package name : com.lydia - issue detected on S7 during identity validation process (for future customer)
France Lydia Lydia available through App Lounge - package name : do.helios.app
Germany Sparkasse Mobiles Bezahlen ihre Digitale Geldbörse https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.s_payment.mobiles_bezahlen (with Fairphone 3, or phone with NFC chip)
Germany Sparkasse S-PushTAN https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starfinanz.mobile.android.pushtan
Germany Sparkasse Sparkasse ihre mobile Filiale https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starfinanz.smob.android.sfinanzstatus
Germany Comdirect Comdirect photoTAN https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.comdirect.phototan
Germany C24 Bank C24 Bank works fine at 2.4.1
Germany Deutsche Kreditbank DKB-Banking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.dkb.portalapp
Germany Deutsche Kreditbank DKB-TAN2go https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starfinanz.mobile.android.dkbpushtan
Germany GLS Bank GLS mBank https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.gls.mbank
Germany ING-DiBa ING Banking to go App Lounge
Germany Paydirekt Paydirekt com.gimb.paydirekt.app
Germany DAB BNP Paribas DAB SecurePlus https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kobil.dab
Germany VR Bank VR Banking Classic https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiducia.smartphone.android.banking.vr
Germany VR Bank VR-SecureGO https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiducia.smartphone.android.securego.vr
Germany Tomorrow Bank Tomorrow Bank works fine
Germany Triodos Bank / multi bank My Banking Classic https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiducia.smartphone.android.banking.wl
Germany Triodos Bank SecureGo plus https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiduciagad.securego.wl
Germany Triodos Bank Digitales Bezahlen https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.fiduciagad.android.wlwallet
Germany / EU multi bank support banking4 http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=subsembly.banking, https://subsembly.com/
Germany / EU N26 Bank GmbH N26 Mobile Banking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.number26.android
Hungary OTP OTP Bank Installed from Aurora Store. Everything works
India Paytm Payments Bank, UPI, Wallet Paytm https://paytm.com/, https://www.paytmbank.com/
India UPI, Wallet PhonePe https://www.phonepe.com/ Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM
India UPI BHIM https://www.bhimupi.org.in Everything working fine on official /e/ ROM, but app isn’t found on /e/ store
Italy Banca Etica Banca Etica Install from Aurora store
Italy Fideuram Alfabeto App Lounge
Italy Fineco Fineco Install from Aurora Store
Italy Ing Direct Ing Italia install from aurora store
Italy Intesa Sanpaolo Intesa Sanpaolo install from app lounge
Italy Poste Italiane Bancoposta install from aurora store
Italy Poste Italiane Postepay installed from App Lounge
Lithuania / EU Revolut Bank UAB Revolut Installed from Aurora Store. Everything works
The Netherlands BUNQ BUNQ works 100%, installed via /e/ App Lounge
The Netherlands Rabobank Rabobank https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.rabomobiel
The Netherlands Rabobank Rabo Wallet https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.rabowallet (NFC payments)
The Netherlands ING Nederland ING Bankieren App Lounge, Aurora Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ing.mobile
The Netherlands ASN Bank ASN Mobiel Bankieren via Aurora store
The Netherlands ABN amro bank ABN amro via Aurora store
The Netherlands OpenBank OpenBank via Aurora store
The Netherlands SNS Bank SNS Bankieren via Aurora store
The Netherlands Triodos Bank Triodos Bank via App lounge
The Netherlands KNAB bank KNAB bank via Aurora store working but digital bankpass does not show requires google play services e.g.
Norway Sbanken Sbanken app App lounge
Norway Sparebank1 Sparebank1 Mobilbank App lounge
Norway Vipps Vipps Works in v1.0, previous releases need Magisk or similar
Portugal CGD Caixa Directa Working in /e/OS R https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cgd.pt.caixadirectaparticulares
Portugal CGD Caixa Directa Empresas Working in /e/OS R https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pt.cgd.caixadirectaempresas
Portugal Banco Santander Totta S.A. Santander Empresas Portugal Working in /e/OS R https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pt.santandertotta.mobileempresas
Slovenia Addiko Bank Addiko Mobile Slovenija
Slovenia Delavska Hranilnica DH Mobilni their other app “DH Denarnik” does not work though
Slovenia DeĆŸelna banka Slovenije mDBS
Slovenia N Banka Mobilna N Banka bank claims it should work, it is in Huawei store, but we haven’t tested it
Slovenia Banka Sparkasse M.Stik is in Huawei store, should work, bank says they don’t guarantee it though
Slovenia NLB KlikIn their other app “NLB Pay” does not work though
Slovenia Nova KBM mBank@Net & mDenarnic@
Slovenia UniCredit Banka Slovenije Mobilna Banka Go!
Slovenia Rekono OnePass not a bank, but an auth app most Slovenian banks rely on for 2FA and 3D Secure
Spain Deutsche Bank DB-App not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store. You also need to download DB Secure Authenticator - No longer working since 3.0.52 Shame
Spain Openbank Openbank-banca movil Install from Aurora store with microG disable
Spain Laboral Kutxa Laboral Kutxa Install from Aurora store
Spain Cajamar Grupo Cajamar Install from App Lounge
Sweden Avanza Avanza Bank Stock market, uses BankID app or own login. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.avanzabank.androidapplikation
Sweden login, many BankID The most used electronic ID in Sweden, issued by many banks, and used by banks, authorities, and other services - so is used by many apps. Use camera & fingerprint. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bankid.bus
Sweden login, spreading Freja eID Electronic ID also suitable between persons. Camera & fingerprint. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.verisec.mobile.frejaeid
Sweden ICA Banken ICA Banken Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.icabanken
Sweden Danskebank Danskebank
Sweden Kivra Kivra Handles receipts, invoices, other documents, signing
, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kivra.Kivra
Sweden Klarna Klarna Payment service, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.myklarnamobile
Sweden LÀnsförsÀkringar Bank LÀnsförsÀkringar Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.lf.mobile.android
Sweden many Swish “Cache replacement” Quick payment to shops and persons, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.bankgirot.swish Quirk: Fail to detect QR (/e/OS 0.17 up to 1.6 and current Swish Dec 2022, Fairphone3 with updated (3+) camera) Workaround: key in the code manually, or first take a picture using your camera app, then in Swish QR scanner interface use the button to use picture.
Sweden Skandiabanken Skandiabanken
Sweden Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB SEB requires BankID app.
package name: se.seb.privatkund
Sweden Sparbanken Sparbanken (Savings Bank Private) Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.sparbankerna.mobilbank
Sweden Sparbanken Syd Sparbanken Syd, Sparbanken Syd NEoS Bank, need BankID app. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.sdc.a.mobilbank.sparbankensyd New version “NEoS”, beta, also work: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=se.sparbankensyd.beta.internetbanken
Switzerland Alternative Bank Schweiz ABS CrontoSign Swiss not found on /e/ app store, installed from Aurora app store
Switzerland Bank Cler Bank Cler Zak Not supported on Unofficial https://www.cler.ch/de/forwards/zak_download_app_android
Switzerland MigrosBank ebanking
Switzerland MigrosBank Twint
Switzerland neon neon - deine Konto App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neonbanking.app
Switzerland Swissquote Swissquote Trading Including the mobile 3 authentification https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.swissquote.android&hl=en&gl=US
Switzerland UBS Twint
Switzerland Postfinance Twint installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Prepaid Twint works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland findependent findependent does not work (always missing internet connection)
Switzerland Swisscard Swisscard works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland BLKB Login App works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Selma RoboAdvisor works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland WIR Bank Viac 3a works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland Sonect Geld abheben works fine; installed via /e/ app store
Switzerland UBS UBS Mobile Banking https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubs.swidKXJ.android (Aurora), also necessary app “UBS Access: Secure Login” works https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ubs.swidK2Y.android (Aurora)
Switzerland ZĂŒrcher Kantonalbank ZKB ZKB Access Available on App Lounge, this one replaces the former “photo TAN” app
Switzerland ZĂŒrcher Kantonalbank ZKB ZKB TWINT
Switzerland Yapeal Yapeal Works only on ‘stable’ builds
Switzerland Raiffeisen MobileSCAN rooted V1.12.3 without problems
Switzerland Raiffeisen PhotoTAN rooted V1.12.3 without problems
Switzerland Raiffeisen Twint rooted V1.12.3 without problems
UK Tallymoney Tallymoney Save & Spend Gold Worked fine on /e/OS all builds including latest v1.15 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tally.android also in Aurora store and App Lounge
UK Nationwide Building Society Nationwide Banking App Works, apart from on /e/OS v1.8
UK Smile Bank smile Working in /e/OS R build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cooperativebank.smile
UK Co-operative Bank Co-operative Bank Personal Working in /e/OS R build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cooperativebank.bank
UK Co-operative Bank Co-operative Bank Business Working in /e/OS R build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.co_operative_bank.sme_mobile_banking
UK Monzo Bank Monzo - Mobile Banking Working in /e/OS S build https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.uk.getmondo
UK Starling Bank Starling Bank - Mobile Banking No longer works (see this comment)
UK Triodos UK Triodos Bank UK Cannot set-up app as once you get to needing to record your face it gives a message saying you need to install Google Play Services
UK Nat West Bank Nat West Installs and seems to work fine
USA America First Credit Union AFCU Mobile No issues
USA Venmo Venmo Works fine
USA HomeStreet Bank HomeStreet Mobile Banking Works fine even with root. However it does not work with VPNs, whether on device or on a router.
USA USAA USAA works rooted with magisk
USA ATMOS Financial ATMOS Financial No issues
USA First National Bank of Omaha (FNBO) Nationwide Credit Card Works, but you have to install, wait for says not installed from Google Play and fails to work, force stop, start again and then login, might require a few attemps
USA Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) Regional/National Credit Union Works without issue

Is this the first step towards being able to offer banking apps through /e/ Apps??

@ceddev Are you sure N26 works, because i left them because the app did not work anymore
 (1 year ago) Maybe it works again

This is a list created as per a user request on the telegram channels. The focus here is exclusively on Banking apps.
On the question of getting these apps to work on /e/OS
we are making efforts towards getting more application to work on /e/. This is one of the targets on our roadmap as mentioned here


Added DKB & DKB Tan2go

For me N26 is working.


also Revolut works fine


Yes the application works nicely now (FP3 phone here), I haven’t had any issue for the last months.

Only minor random issue is notifications that can be delayed a bit (few minutes) but I think it’s probably due to MicroG (and I don’t really care about notifications).

Before that I also had trouble to load the double authentication challenge to confirm a payment before but it seems to be fixed now. And that a good think because we have more payment validation in Europe now😅

Added Paytm and PhonePe apps which are the most famous UPI payment apps in India. Both seems to work flawlessly. I was unable to test complete UPI support (registering a new account as I already have an account registered) though. Added both to the list.

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For Brazilian banks ItaĂș, Caixa and NuBank all work. Only Cora doesn’t. (From the ones I’ve tested)

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gave the German Paydirekt a test, the verification of adding a device to the Account can be done via photoTAN in the browser as this was my 2fa technique. The App informs on first startup that the device is deviating from manufacturer defaults, I’ll quote

 möchten wir Sie darauf hinweisen, dass Ihr GerĂ€t potentiell von den Herstellervorgaben abweicht. Somit ist es gegebenenfalls schwĂ€cher vor unberechtigten Zugriffen geschĂŒtzt

I think a good compromise, rather let the user make the decision and not disable custom roms.

Hey Xenthos, sorry but I am new here. How did you get them to work? I only found the TAN2Go app in the /e/ appstore and it wouldn’t open, because it detected a Non-Google OS.

I have tested the banking app functionality with two smartphones so far, the GS290 and the Samsung Galaxy s9+.
Both were on version 0.17q at the time (based on Android 10, if that makes a difference & not rooted).

So now to address your question:

Yes, the Tan2go app is available at the e-Appstore, both of which you can also find using the Aurora Store, which is effectively a front-end to the google playstore. You could also try installing the Tan2go app from there to see if that solves the problem. You can also find the regular banking app there.

For me, both apps work without any problems. Only the push notifications, are sometimes a bit slow.

Important, because I read this elsewhere, you should not update system apps via Aurora, as this can lead to difficulties with system updates, you can put them on the aurora internal block list so that you no longer receive update notifications.

I hope this helped you.

„Deutsche Bank“ and the related „Deutsche Bank photoTAN“ Apps are fully working! :slight_smile: you can get them within the Aurora Store for example

I think I’ve tested everything and Triodos Netherlands (Triodos Bankieren NL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.triodos.bankingnl&hl=nl&gl=US) seems to work as well.


Curiously, BanquePopulaire 4.0.2 needs the Firefox workaround with e-0.17 (surnia) but works ‘out of box’ into Shelter (with TrackerControl fully enabled) on my e-0.17-q GSI.

May Shelter be a possible workaround for banking apps???

Édith : with MicroG fully disabled, works too

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Added the few banking apps in Sweden I use. No problem with any i tried :slight_smile:
Note that most are installed by Aurora as few are in /e/ Apps store.

Going to chime in for a quick word on a couple of Australian banking apps: CommBank functions well, no issue with NFC payments. Up bank also functions well.
UK banking apps: Monzo works fine also.
*note all were downloaded from Aurora store

Edit: Swish fail to detect QR, It displays the camera view live in its interface but never detect the code - Workaround is of course to enter the number manually.
FairPhone 3 enhanced with new camera, /e/OS 0.17-20210621120947

In Belgium, as of summer 2021, the electronic ID app ‘itsme’ is required to sign payments on KBC (previously a custom KBC Sign app). Fortunately, it seems to work fine on /e/ downloaded from Aurora store.

The KBC banking app works on Moto G7, but on the Moto G 3rd gen. I had some trouble with the QR code reader on last install.

Does the ‘tab:’ function not work in the Markdown table? I kept shutting down browser pages forgetting I had to press back to return to this forum.

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