Galaxy S10E : call volume & speaker ok?

I own a Galaxy S7 which has a serious echo problem while in call. It’s even worst when loudspeaker is on.
See Issue with echo heard by call receivers on some Galaxy S7 devices
So I 'd like to know if S10E has the same problems.

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Hello PhilNitram,
I own both Galaxy S7 (version e-2.5-s stable) and Galaxy S10e (version e-2.5-t dev).
It is true that the S7 has an echo problem (especially when loudspeaker on).
This is no problem of this sort with my S10e (and I use it very often with loudspeaker on).
I hope my answer will help you…

I hesitate between S10e & Pixel 5 which are both compact. Last firmware update is from mid 2023 for both.
Pros for Pixel 5

  • easy-installer support + OTA update (stable)
  • bigger battery

Cons for Pixel 5

  • DAS is high

Pros for S10e

  • not Google

Cons for S10e

  • small battery
  • no easy-installer (no OTA)

An increasing number of countries / carriers require or are adopting VoLTE.

Samsung custom ROMs including /e/OS do not support VoLTE as the Samsung implementation is proprietary, resulting in VoLTE does not work.