Galaxy S7 echo during calls with speaker

Salut @jarival,
Petite question hors contexte : arrives-tu à passer des appels en inconnus ?


Oui, mon application de téléphonie le permet :

Paramètres > Appels > Autres paramètres > Numéro de l’appelant > Masquer le numéro


Oui, mais est-ce que ça fonctionne ?
Le mien est sur “valeur par défaut”, si je le mets sur “Masquer numéro”, il enregistre. Mais quand je retourne dessus il est toujours sur “valeur par défaut”.
(La valeur par défaut étant “Afficher le numéro”.). Dans la pratique, quand je teste l’appel, on voit toujours mon numéro.
Je voulais juste savoir si c’était mon tel, mon opérateur ou /e/ OS.

Exact. La valeur “Masquer le numéro” n’est pas prise en compte. L’affichage revient toujours sur “Valeur par défaut”. Je ne m’en étais pas aperçu car je n’ai encore jamais appelé en “numéro masqué”. C’est peut-être l’opérateur qui ne le permet pas.

Non, je pense que c’est /e/ OS. J’ai un deuxième samsung S7 SM-G930S avec Android d’origine. Quand j’échange les cartes SIM (du même opérateur), la mienne fonctionne sur l’autre téléphone, et il y a le même soucis avec la carte SIM de l’autre téléphone dans le mien.

Il est possible de passer ponctuellement des appels masqués en composant #31# avant le numéro du correspondant. Et ça, ça marche. Je viens de faire le test !

Oui j’avais aussi essayé. Quand je fais le #31# ou *31#, j’ai un message qui me dit que le service est activé / désactivé, mais quand j’appelle sur un autre téléphone, le contact est toujours identifié.

Effectivement, quand on met #31#06… ça fonctionne pour un appel ponctuel. Merci je ne connaissais pas cette méthode.
Par contre activer le service en permanence en composant le *31# avant de réaliser un appel, ça ne fonctionne pas.
J’ai tester avec une autre carte SIM, d’un autre opérateur cette fois-ci, et ça ne fonctionne pas non plus (*31# ou via les paramètres). Donc il y a un bien un problème /e/ OS.
Je vais tenter d’ouvrir un ticket.
Je clos la parenthèse.

I did some research about this echo problem. It seems that only ROMs based on lineageOS have this problem.
ROMs based on OneUI would not be impacted

Sorry to reply to your message here, but I am restricted by the forum because being “new”, I have reached the maximum response allowed in this post.

Is OneUI open source? I would love to see what they do to make it work!

I have no idea.
However, I have heard several times about the FloydQ ROM (
I will try to find my sources.
If you know how to do that, that’s cool, I don’t have the skills.

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Is OneUI open source? I would love to see what they do to make it work!

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I would very surprised to find out that OneUI is open source, and I can find nothing on the web that suggests it is. From what I’ve read, it is made by Samsung, and is only available on Samsung devices. Samsung do not have a reputation for being co-operative with open source

It seems to be a ‘borderline’ echo problem on the S7, as someone reported in Gitlab that when making calls with Signal messenger there is no echo.

I have had similar experiences with the Moto harpia, which is not completely echo-free but Signal and Conversations seem to eliminate it. On other devices (e.g. ocean, surnia), the echo is persistent in all settings.

J’avais ce problème d’écho sur /e/ os.
Je confirme que l’écho durant les appels disparait en utilisant le firmware d’origine ou la rom FloydQ.

I was having this echo issue on /e/os.
I confirm that the echo during calls disappears using the original firmware or the FloydQ rom.

Hello to all,

The /e/ OS update has taken place. But the echoes problem on the S7 is still present.

My experience with this problem of echoes:
The problem happens when it is a phone call. My interlocutor hears his own echoes. Echoes can be heard when the speaker is not activated. Very disturbing echoes when I put the speakerphone on.
The problem does not occur when I put on a hands-free kit.
The problem does not occur when I make a call with the Jitsi Meet application.



I have this problem too.
It seems a known issue but /e/ don’t give us an answer …

It’s so annoying that I will surely go back to lineage. It was a pleasure to participate in an innovative experience but without support there is no point.


You may add a comment and thus give the gitlab issue some support: #6210


another place to post grievances. While my problem is the same as Sebastian and no answer has been given to him in 3 months…
Laziness wins.

That issue hasn’t been on for months, but for years ! I’m afraid the only workaround is to buy a new phone or use a different ROM… but not LineageOS, as /e/ is based on LineageOS ! When I bought my phone from /e/ shop, it didn’t occur to me that I wouldn’t be able to use it to make phone calls ! Very annoying…

I have this issue, is their a way to ‘up vote’ the git lab issue, I could comment, but I have nothing to add.

Someone suggested simply putting tape over the 2nd microphone ! to blank it off, but that seems a crude work around.

I have done the 1.8 update. Still the same problem.
There is one thing I don’t understand.
When the developers chose to offer for sale /e/ OS on the S7, they must have realized at some point before the marketing that there were problems of echoes during phone calls. I guess the “phone call” part is one of the first tested feature? It’s the basis of a phone.
As far as I’m concerned, I installed /e/ OS after. But I put myself in the shoes of the people who bought this phone on the /e/OS Store and had this problem. They were cheated.
Unless the problem didn’t exist at that time, therefore it’s that the problem is fixable