GDATA Internet-Security says: contains a virus?

I am using GDATA Internet-Security on Windows. Since a few weeks the community page is always being blocked by GDATA telling my that would contain a virus…
I have the same problem, when I get the weekly update via Email. There GDATA also tells me, that the link to the virus is being deleted.
I can’t really believe, that there is a virus, or is there?

You can send a mail to …there was an issue with a spammer a couple of days back which resulted in /e/ mails and sites getting blocked on some Anti virus programs. We blocked the spammer and have restored the site reputation in some cases. You may want to add details of your case and the tech team can work on having it resolved.

Thanks for your reply.

I turned to the support team and enclosed two screenshots. I hope the screenshots may help.



That’s what comes from believing what proprietary software tells you.

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I just want to point out that the problem is solved. GDATA seems to have corrected that.

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