Geocoding not working

Hi, I am using a FP4 with e/os/
I have an application in which I must enter my location (city), to be selected from a drop down menu
The problem is that when I “click” on the available menus, nothing happens.
I found out that there is a problem with geocoding package, that seems not available in e/os/

20543 20565 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: Could not find any result for the supplied address or coordinates.
20543 20565 E flutter : #0 GeocodingAndroid._handlePlatformException (package:geocoding_android/geocoding_android.dart:100)
20543 20565 E flutter : #1 GeocodingAndroid.locationFromAddress (package:geocoding_android/geocoding_android.dart:42)

Any workaround for this one ?

Could not find any result for the supplied address or coordinates

what App is it? by looking at the dependency chain (geocoding_android | Flutter packagelocation | Flutter package) those eventually reach down to system function /e/ has imo.

Were you ever asked to grand location permissions? if not, could you go into the Apps settings via “recent Apps” in system settings and set location permissions by hand to allowed for ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION and ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION ?

Flutter apps can use different packages to do geoloc, there was an issue in microg for one of these, but it’s another package entirely (Location not reported from flutter_background_geolocation · Issue #1963 · microg/GmsCore · GitHub)

Hi, I tried setting up the Location permission, I get the same error.
The app never asked Location
Easy Claim (com.april.easyclaim)
I tried to disable Address Resolver in microG, same error
here is the complete error message:
7978 8001 E flutter : [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: Could not find any result for the supplied address or coordinates.
7978 8001 E flutter : #0 GeocodingAndroid._handlePlatformException (package:geocoding_android/geocoding_android.dart:100)
7978 8001 E flutter : #1 GeocodingAndroid.locationFromAddress (package:geocoding_android/geocoding_android.dart:42)
7978 8001 E flutter :
7978 8001 E flutter : #2 _CommonProviderWidgetState.CityTextField. (package:april_easy_claim/core/common/presentation/widgets/new/common_provider_widget.dart:316)
7978 8001 E flutter :

This is probably beyond my pay grade, but I researched a little in the past; picking out

GeocodingAndroid.locationFromAddress (package:geocoding_android/geocoding_android.dart:42)
CommonProviderWidgetState.CityTextField. (package:april_easy_claim/core/common/presentation/widgets/new/common_provider_widget.dart:316)

I believe that LocationFromAddress is part of Google implementation and not in AOSP, except when deliberately provided. Searching various elements quoted above I believe that Futter / Dart might / should include something like geocoding | Flutter package if they wished the app to work easily without Google. Maybe Not [1].

The app’s devs say that they can be reached at It may be worth reaching out to them with you logs and asking if their app is expected to be microG compatible.

  • [1] April Easy Claim has an 0/10 Exodus score in App Lounge, so untested by me. Edit I did install it briefly but it fails to open without valid login ID.

Apologies @tcecyk, you had already referenced geocoding_android.

Hi, thanks for this very details answer, I really appreciate it.
I will contact the developers and inform them.
Thanks again !

real work / address lookup should happen here. It relies on android.location.Address + android.location.Geocoder imports, basic maps API stuff that microg implements. I’d guess it doesn’t get any address or lat+long coords supplied.

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