Geolocation on a samsung S9 with e/os/ 1.9

I have a geolocation problem with my samsung S9. It systematically blurs my geolocation even when I ask “advanced privacy” to keep my real position.

It’s problematic to use ‘Magic earth’ but also to use my “unistellar” app which needs precise geolocation.

I just changed my phone. Does the problem come from the smartphone or from a setting in the settings of e/os/?


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

There are setting where you can add gsm service and wifi and bluetooth to help the GPS to find you faster.
GPS is not neutral as the internet, it is not treating your device as egual as a google device.

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Ok but concretely how can I allow my smartphone to provide me with reliable information on my geolocation?

First go to settings

Ok. What else?

It is a mixture of things, many users assume it is a pure GPS problem but Android uses a combination of resources, some of which may need a bit of fine tuning depending on your needs. The hashtag gps will potentially lead to 58 other threads. Another avenue to learn about is the /e/OS use of Mozilla UnifiedNIp Backend, other backends are available. Here is a thread on that subject. Does adding another NLP make any sense?

We do not always know how high a priority any given app will give to pure GPS, but as part of my learning curve I installed first and later I hope you get some enlightenment from these, combined with answers from other threads, mainly from users like me who are still learning.

I think we are still missing any or HOWTO which might give concise guidance on this issue.

Good luck

Thanks a lot, I will try.