I’d like to access my notes from the native /e/ note app on my default android phone. Is there a way to get the app separately? I looked in the rom files, but there are no apk’s there.
I’d like to access my notes from the native /e/ note app on my default android phone. Is there a way to get the app separately? I looked in the rom files, but there are no apk’s there.
This one should work for a “Google Android”: https://github.com/nextcloud/notes-android
I’d like to access my notes from the native /e/ note app on my default android phone. Is there a way to get the app separately? I looked in the rom files, but there are no apk’s there.
Same question with calendar.
You need the DAVx⁵ app from F-Droid
When you have installed it you can add your /e/OS / Murena account (using murena.io as the server, and your full e.email
or murena.io
emai adrress and password
If you have subscribed to Webcal (.ics) calendars, you will need the ICSx⁵ app as well
If I am not mistaken Webcal calendars are now supported in DAVx5 so ICSx5 would not be needed. /e/'s Account Manager also has it, as mentioned here…
No mention that I could find in https://www.davx5.com/ of supporting WebCal calendars, only CalDav
https://icsx5.bitfire.at/ does describe itself as the solution for WebCsl / .ics calendars
Oh shoot. I could’ve sworn WebCal support was in DAVx5 also. Downloaded and confirmed. I see it only has the WebDAV mounts feature. Many apologies. Thanks for the correction.
So I guess Murena did their own thing with their fork adding in / integrating that feature.
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