Great apps you have just discovered

Very nice for quick share of files between devices and different OS:
I like it more than browser based solutions (like Share to Computer or QRServ) but you need to install on receiving devices as well.

edit: just realized that the app also offers download via browser (not encrypted though) for receiver without install


LocalSend seems cool. Have you come across or noticed the issue regarding image files?

Don`t clear photo metadata · Issue #237 · localsend/localsend · GitHub

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I use still plain old FTP, the device is the server (FTP, SFTP), you find a bunch of clients (including GUI) on every other OS.


Good catch @marcdw I missed that
I just checked: image size obviously gets reduced for the receiving androidOS and receiving iOS as well.
will check behaviour of receiving Win later
Use with caution! (know your usecase)

Windows 10 receives unaltered size from android as far as I can tell.
Already compressed files in low quality sent to android device seem to not be further reduced in size /quality
not thoroughly tested, just a few tries and I did not care much about metadata…
behaviour might be acceaptable in some usecases, least it is in some of mine.

New opensource password manager from Proton(mail).

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Nice catch @MRTN. Any improvement or difference respect to keepass ?

I like SimpleSSHD by Greg Alexander.

Easy Secure Shell (SSH) file or folder transfer between Android and any other computing devices on the wifi network, either by command line, or GUI copy and paste functions to/from your computer’s Files viewer to/from your Android’s Files app over the network via SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol).

Documentation could be better, but it’s not too hard to figure out.

I think I found a tool that could be quite useful.
Apps crash and we need to get info about why. Grab or record logs but then scroll around looking for the crash.

Waaay back in the day there was an app called AndyLog that monitored last crashes. It was great and a mandatory part of my toolkit. Alas, once Nougat (Android 7) was released it no longer worked. One for the history books.

Just came across LogFox. Besides being a standard log reader / recorder it has a crash dump feature.

LogFox - IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository

Uses root or Shizuku. Not sure of any other method. Can be set to run at boot to monitor crashes.

Knowing I have one app that does crash I started up LogFox and tried to run the app (SysInfo). When it crashed I got a notification. Switched to LogFox and there it is. Crash dump ready to be used and analyzed. Not bad.


Credits to @obacht !!

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Just came across something on F-Droid that may be of interest, especially for those who want something like the old Silence encrypted SMS app.

Deku SMS

Haven’t had a chance to check it out. All but one of my devices are VoIP. I can maybe test a couple of features but not the e2e.

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For NewPipe users there is a utility called BendyStraw on F-Droid (so via App Lounge I suppose).

It allows for manipulating playlists, channels, streams, among other things. Can’t easily describe it so check out the description.


Thanks for the mention.