Help needed, installing stock firmware on a LG / Google Nexus 5X (bullhead)”

Good morning @Catrine as it has come up in one or two threads I wonder how much RAM your laptop has? Please can you show the output of

free -m

(Whenever doing an awkward flashing job I close all windows especially Browser leaving only Terminal running.)

A proposal

I think an ideal thing to do is something like outlined in How I fixed my bricked Nexus 5 (corrupted userdata, bootlooping) which, @Catrine, you linked in Post #141 . This would require booting to a stable recovery then using parted through adb shell. The OP there also includes a useful list of threads on the subject to which I would add Resurrecting a bootlooped Nexus 5X | tony is coding.

Simplified proposal

Loosely speaking just describing the idea before we start … maybe a graphical way to do this is to "fastboot boot twrp-recovery.img (this way TWRP will be on the fly not flashed to the phone). Then we would try to use the graphical tools in TWRP to do How to fix unable to mount data. We would aim to

  • Repair userdata file system … by
  • convert filesystem to Ext2 … then
  • change back to Ext4.

Before I provide a link, @piero, @Xxpsilon have you a view on best TWRP version to use. I would be inclined to pick twrp-3.2.3-0-bullhead.img the

top of this list
twrp-3.2.3-0-bullhead.img	15.9M	2018-07-29 05:58:59 UTC
twrp-3.2.2-0-bullhead.img	16.1M	2018-06-30 05:17:02 UTC
twrp-3.2.1-0-bullhead.img	16.1M	2017-12-09 02:42:38 UTC

twrp-3.1.1-0-bullhead.img	16M		2017-05-17 03:59:36 UTC
twrp-3.1.0-0-bullhead.img	16.1M	2017-03-08 07:28:30 UTC

twrp-3.0.2-2-bullhead.img	16M		2016-09-02 02:41:57 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-1-bullhead.img	16M		2016-08-22 21:23:26 UTC
twrp-3.0.2-0-bullhead.img	16.1M	2016-04-05 14:39:13 UTC
twrp-3.0.1-0-bullhead.img	16M		2016-03-31 21:29:25 UTC
twrp-3.0.0-1-bullhead.img	16M		2016-03-11 04:08:36 UTC
twrp-3.0.0-0-bullhead.img	16M		2016-02-06 14:27:26 UTC

Even if we get it wrong first time @Catrine we would aim to look for the twrp.log of the attempted boot before we make any intervention.

To recap on the ROM in use
         |     |
         Oreo  |
              2018 December

The contained images available are limited to


The Contents ofandroid-info.txt reads

require board=bullhead
require version-bootloader=BHZ32c
require version-baseband=M8994F-

Anyone see a better way forward ?

This seems rather high risk

In the image in Post #115 the phone itself suggests to Lock the bootloader. The merit here would be that on unlock the phone itself would format userdata rather than fastboot. I would hesitate to do this, but the suggestion is coming from stock ROM and this “unusual switch” may have been included to allow a user friendly method to recover from a “known weakness” in the device (??)

It seems unlikely to me, or is this a fairly standard thing, … to see advice to lock the bootloader when the device “knows” that it is corrupted (??)

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