Herolte S7 update from e.0.13 to e.0.14 fails

Hi all

I have a S7 from the e.shop, recently upgraded from nougat to oreo following https://doc.e.foundation/devices/herolte/upgrade, wiping system and all data, then sideloaded e-0.13-o-2020120889191-dev-herolte.zip. Then added encryption.

Now an OTA upgrade to 0.14 seems to be available. But when trying to install the upgrade, I get an “Install error” notification after starting the upgrade.

Looking at the adb log, it seems to be related to encryption:

adb logcat -d

01-30 19:27:07.246 6322 6695 W RecoverySystem: !!! REBOOTING TO INSTALL /data/lineageos_updates/e-0.14-o-2021012798648-dev
-herolte.zip.uncrypt !!!
01-30 19:27:08.251 6700 6700 I /system/bin/uncrypt: received command: [–update_package=@/cache/recovery/block.map
01-30 19:27:08.251 6700 6700 I /system/bin/uncrypt: --locale=en-US
01-30 19:27:08.251 6700 6700 I /system/bin/uncrypt: ] (59)
01-30 19:27:08.253 6700 6700 E /system/bin/uncrypt: failed to set bootloader message: failed to find /misc partition
01-30 19:27:08.261 4481 5742 E RecoverySystemService: uncrypt failed with status: -1
01-30 19:27:08.261 6700 6700 I /system/bin/uncrypt: received 0, exiting now
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: Could not install update
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: java.io.IOException: Setup BCB failed
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: at android.os.RecoverySystem.installPackage(RecoverySystem.java:591)
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: at android.os.RecoverySystem.installPackage(RecoverySystem.java:514)
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: at org.lineageos.updater.controller.UpdateInstaller.installPackage(U
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: at org.lineageos.updater.controller.UpdateInstaller.-wrap0(Unknown S
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: at org.lineageos.updater.controller.UpdateInstaller$1.run(UpdateInst
01-30 19:27:08.263 6322 6695 E UpdateInstaller: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:764)

Please tell me that upgrades are still possible for encrypted devices …

best /m

When OTA has failed, you can still install the image in TWRP when you know where to find it. I forget the directory, but go up from the TWRP default and look around. (Don’t try the zip signature check, which fails; I don’t know the significance of that, but I’ve seen enough to want reliable signatures on distributions.)

There’s an ancient bug open with the same symptoms, so I didn’t bother reporting it.

Paying the premium for the device was obviously a mistake if it was to get something well supported, which it partly was in my case.


you can check the link here for details

Thanks, all! Upgrading via TWRP worked.
I keep being amazed by the great support here in the forum.

And yes, getting a device from the e.shop was indeed based on the idea of getting a well-supported device. But It was definitely not a mistake, even if some things are not as straight-forward as expected.
First, every project needs funding, and the amount of work the team puts into /e/ is astonishing.
Second, I had to get a new phone anyway, and from a ecological/climate point of view it makes about a 100 times more sense to use refurbished devices than to buy new ones.

There’s no such folder showing up in TWRP. Perhaps because I had installed TWRP 3.4 once and I had to downgrade again (now on 3.3.1).
I guess I have to sideload the update o-0.14 like I did with the last update?


You should watch this “Howto” sorry it’s in French but it should help.
Here : [HOWTO] Mettre à jour /e/

Merci bien! Mais data/lineageos_updates n’existe pas. Il y a seulement “(Up A Level)” dans data folder.
Quand je regarde les détails dans TWRP, ça ce present comme ça:

Mais la dernière fois il a fonctionné avec adb sideload. Alors j’essaie encore une fois… :wink:

le dossier /data /lineageos est vide si le system-updater ( dans >paramètres >mise à jour ) n’a jamais téléchargé de mise à jour (OTA)
sinon lorsque tu télécharge manuellement un fichier .zip , il se trouve généralement dans le dossier /sdcard /Download ( mémoire interne ) ou dans /external_sd ( carte SDram )si tu l’as stipulé.

Il a fonctionné avec ADB sideload (comme décrit ici https://doc.e.foundation/devices/herolte/install). Et je me souviens, que j’ai essayé d’installer Magisk une fois (sans succès).
Merci pour vos conseils!