How to do a full backup of e.OS from Samsung Galaxy S9+?

Hi comrades!

My e.OS works now as a Swiss Clock so I’d like to make a full OS backup and if it will crashed to install everything back in a few steps.

So how to do a full backup of e.OS from Samsung Galaxy S9+ ?

Before, with TWRP it was not a problem but now I don’t know what to do.

I deedn’t seen any option for to do full buckup to microSD or/and to PC.

I use this OS

Please help if u can. Thank you very much!

Look over here for suggestions:
By the way: when you had TWRP as the recovery, did you use Nandroid Backup? And, was it all you needed ?

An experienced user of /e/OS has posted this:

Sorry I don’t have experience with backup since I never needed them. I use only a few applications: I migrate Signal to the new phone and copy the data + save contact and SMS on a computer and then to the new phone if I change phones.
I noticed that you use a S9+ with /e/ OS T and apparently have no problem. Can you please confirm this? I’m interested also if both back cameras work with /e/ OS T. Please answer me either here or preferably on my thread for this: Samsung Galaxy S9+ status with Android T

Thank you!

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