How to open ACSM files to download ePub Books

Hi everyone,

I’m a bit surprised about this acsm file. As I understand it is a download file to be able to read ePub document. It implement a security feature to be sure only authorized deviced are allowed to read this ePub.

I don’t know if this is correct, it is what I understood.

So, how can I read this on my FP3?

I tried to download it with Adobe Digital Edition 4.5, wich worked. I transfered the ePub file to my PH3 but I got message “Verschlüsselter Bereich” this mean somthing like it is encrypted area.

In Fdroid I did not found anything that could work with acsm files.

Anyone an idea how to read this on my FP3?


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About acsm :

To read your book, not tested :
Needs Calibre 4.23 :

1 Like

it works fine :)) often done

Thanks for this link. I will have a look at it. For those who are worried that they can’t find a reference to a license on the web site, the license on github is GPL3 to that version should be kosher.

Perfect, it worked like a charm! Thanks a lot!!!

Note that the DeDrm plugin does not yet work with the latest version of Calibre (5.0). See here for more details.