I managed to make Android Auto work without the Google apps. All credits of this goes to dylanderdaly and sn-00-x in Github who are behind these stubs.
Instead of Google Maps, Google App and Google TTS I decided to try these stubs before installing the Android Auto app.
Activate USB debugging on your phone’s developer settings.
Connect to your phone in terminal with adb devices
and install all these three apps with a command: adb install name_of_the_app.apk
After this install Android Auto normally as guided in the official instructions.
You might even succeed by uninstalling Google apps and installing stubs with adb.
great, thanks a lot. This also works for me without root, at least partly.
It didn’t work right away though. I had to go to the android settings and search for android auto and then open the Android auto settings. Only then a connection was automatically established between the phone and the car radio.
Also the apps didn’t want to work right away. I had activated the Android auto development settings and checked “unknown sources”
Then I installed the VLC app from aurora store. I had to disconnect the usb-cable and reconnect. Then the app appeared on the app launcher on the car radio and it worked. Not sure if the development settings + unknown resources is required, but I’ve read it is in order to get some apps into the launcher.
I have some difficulties with the preinstalled /e/OS maps app (magic earth). Only after a few USB-Cable disconnects, the icon appeared on the car radio AA launcher. But there is no map in there when I open it. It only says “no new messages during this drive”. I’m not sure if there is some confusion for AA with the maps stub apk or so because both apps have the same name “maps”.
Does the maps app (magic earth) work for you?
We are on the same boat when it comes to navigation apps.
I have tried several tricks with Organic Maps and Osmand to make them work, but still no luck.
Magic Earth behaves the same way for me, only no new messages is shown.
The funny part of this is that when I connect my phone to my computer and run AA emulator in Android Studio, all the 3rd party apps are visible. Then when I connect my phone to my car I’m able to see the navigation until I press the menu button and all the 3rd party apps disappear.
I even tried the Headunit Reloaded trial and it also shows in self service mode all the 3rd party apps but again when I connect the phone to my car, only few apps are visible.
I think next I will buy AAwireless Two+ when it will be available for sale. I have heard that AAwireless is able somehow to show 3rd party apps.
maybe this is where magisk/root and stuff come’s into play.
Maybe it works installing the APK’s with the King Installer it seems to work also without root
Yes, I’ve had positive results with aa4mg with my other phone but due to banking apps I don’t want to root my main phone.
King installer didn’t work for me and neither did Obtainium / Aurorastore with Shizuku.
Well, this is the game we have to play, when we want to keep big G out of our mobile devices.
it would be nice to have this feature build into /e/OS. I would even pay a good amount of extra money only for this feature (via crowdfunding), in the case it’s “just” a matter of funding to integrate it into /e/OS. There must be many people / car owner who wanting to have this.
Fortunately my bank does allow root with it’s app, so I may get that to work with root. It would be nice though if it was easier to configure.
half a year ago the sn-00-x approach was merged in android_frameworks_base - How to setup Android Auto with /e/OS? … haven’t got a car, but I thought that’s enough of integration for the basics to work - though I heard of what is described in this thread: App install “store origin” being an issue for them to properly run.
@tcecyk that is with Google apps and unfortunately it doesn’t work with the stub apps. Also not with modified store orgin. At least not the way we tried.