Hello and welcome !
Before doing anything, make sure that you have backed on your computer or another device any data on your FP3 that you want to preserve (pictures, contacts, chats backup, notes, etc.) Understand that installing /e/ will wipe the data on the device.
Install abd & Fastboot by going on this page. You do not need to install all of Android Studio. Go to the command line tools only section and download the Mac .zip file.
Once downloaded, you should have a folder named tools in the directory in which you downloaded the .zip file. In this folder, double click the application named Android, which will launch the Android SDK Manager. In this manager, click on deselect all, and then only tick Android SDK platform tools.
Next, click on install 1 package, and in the window that opens, click on the package and then accept the license. Now, there is a new folder called platform-tools in the same directory your tools folder is.
In order to use those tools, open a terminal window, and typecd
followed by a space. Then copy the path to the platform tools folder. You can type it, or simply drag and drop the folder into the terminal window, which will copy the path. Hit enter, and you can now use this terminal window to install /e/. An example in which the platform-tools folder is on the Desktop would becd /Users/Username/Desktop/platform-tools
Follow the steps on this installation instructions page. Additionally, this detailed how-to could be a useful guide. It uses Linux rather than MacOs, but the steps are essentially the same once Android ADB & Fastboot are installed on your Mac.