[HOWTO] an Unified Install Guide Project for /e/

I have added some details to the ‘Sony’ specific section for unlocking the bootloader. And information about getting the device IMEI to the 'standard / common devices steps` section

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And some more on flashing stock firmware on Sony devices

I’m not sure where in the guide to put this information, so I’ll just leave it here, and let someoe else decide where it should go

Useful key combinations for Sony devices

This page on the the Sony Developer website lists some useful key combinations

  • Fastboot mode: (for flashing recovery, or using other fastboot commands): Make sure your phone is turned off. Insert the USB cable into yor PC. Press and hold Volume down key, then insert the USB cable. The LED will light blue to show you are in fastboot mode
  • Flash mode: (for when using FlashTool) Make sure your phone is turned off. Insert the USB cable into your PC. Press and hold Volume down key, then insert the USB cable. The LED will light green to show you are in flash mode
  • Recovery mode: Make sure your phone is turned off and unplug your device from the PC. Press Volume down and Power keys together. The phone should vibrate once, then boot into recovery

In addition, the following can be useful, if you need to reboot or power off your phone, but it is not responding to screen or key presses:

  • Hard reboot: Press and hold Volume (in the middle, not up or down) and Power keys - after a few seconds the device will vibrate. Release the keys and the device will attempt to reboot
  • Hard power off: Press and hold Volume and Power keys as for Hard reboot. Continue holding the keys after the first vibration until the device vibrates three times in quick succession. Release the keys and the device will be powered off

I have installed /e/ in my xiaomi A1, everything was right, as in the instructions, except that unlocking was simpler than in the instructions. it’s a pity I didn’t read it before, it would have spared some time.
I have one question: should I/can I lock the uploader again after installing /e/ or is it necessary to be unlocked to load updates?

risk is bricking your device.

Wait, do i understand you correctly - we should not lock the bootloader after installing /e/ beacuse there is arisk of bricking the device? Any device or just some?

yes all devices exept Fairphone 3 and 4

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Good tutorial! Thank you!

I started to wonder one thing: is custom recovery really necessary for sideloading through adb? When i go into stock recovery (Note 10+), there is an alternative of choosing ‘sideload through adb’, or something like that. But i guess that would be too easy? Device would brick?

only offficial samsung stuff are allowed by stock recovery
it will just don’t work for any custom binaries

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Figured something like that.

Can you then flash stock rom through adb with twrp or e-recovery installed?

i have never experienced this way, i always used Odin for stock firmware
(i never boot my computer to windows except for that task)


Locking the bootloader after installing /e/OS is possible on more devices than just Fairphones 3/3+ and 4.

In general locking the bootloader after installing /e/OS is possible for a device if the command line install instructions for the device available via https://doc.e.foundation/devices include this step.
How to avoid bricking the device (if that risk exists) should be included in those instructions, too, the Fairphone 4 instructions are an example for this.

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I think i quite well know the logic of samsug decices (that are typical), but i cannot speak further about others familly of devices (fastboot), so, some parts of the guide are empty…

please improve those parts ! for example :


It would be nice to write in the installation guide that an orange warning message will remain after installation and that it is not a problem.
It would avoid unnecessary worry !

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Hi, I try to install e/os on my galaxy tab4.
I could install the recovery-e and use it to install e-1.16-r-20231107-UNOFFICIAL-matisselte.zip

everything is ok.
But at the end of this final step:

9) Install the image of /e/OS on the ROM of your device without computer, from the “custom recovery manager” using the SDcard method

when Reboot the device now”, I do not see e/os rebooting but the default page (Samsung Galaxy tab4 powered by android) with message in yellow "Set Warranty Bit : kernel.
and the tablet try to reboot several time like this.

it is the same issue when I try adb method in command line, with this error message at then end :
serving: ‘e-1.16-r-20231107-UNOFFICIAL-matisselte.zip’ (~47%) adb: failed to read command: No error

Could someone explain me what happens and how to fix it?

thanks in advance
Regards : Yael

hello @Yael, welcome to this forum.

  1. have you tried a factory-reset at this step ?
  2. install latest /e/ version
  1. are you sure your Samsung Firmware was latest ?
  2. are you sure to have a SM-T535 model ? and not a SM-T537.
Galaxy Tab4 List
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 matissewifigoogle SM-T530NN
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.0 matisse3g SM-T531
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.0 matisselte SM-T535
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.0 matisselteatt SAMSUNG-SM-T537A
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.0 matisselteusc SM-T537R4
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.0 matisseltevzw SM-T537V
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1 matisse10wifikx SM-T536
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1 matissevewifi SM-T533
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1 matissewifi SM-T530
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1 matissewifi SM-T530X
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1 matissewifikx SM-T530
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 10.1 matissewifiue SM-T530NU
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7 degasy18wifi SM-T230NZ
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 403SC 403SC
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degas2wifi SM-T230NW
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degas2wifibmwchn SM-T230NW
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degas3g SM-T231
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degas3g SM-T232
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaslte SM-T235
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaslte SM-T235Y
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degasltespr SM-T237P
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degasltevzw SM-T237V
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degasvelte SM-T239
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degasvelte SM-T2397
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degasvelte SM-T239M
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degasveltechn SM-T239C
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifi SM-T230
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifi SM-T230NY
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifi SM-T230X
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifibmwzc SM-T230NY
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifidtv SM-T230NT
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifiopenbnn SM-T230NU
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 7.0 degaswifiue SM-T230NU
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 millet3g SM-T331
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletlte SM-T335
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletlteatt SAMSUNG-SM-T337A
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletltektt SM-T335K
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletltelgt SM-T335L
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletltetmo SM-T337T
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletltevzw SM-T337V
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletwifi SM-T330
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 8.0 milletwifiue SM-T330NU
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Active rubenslte SM-T365
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Active rubenslte SM-T365M
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Active rubensltekx SM-T365F0
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Active rubenswifi SM-T360
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Active rubenswifichn SM-T360
Samsung Galaxy Tab4 Nook 10.1 matissewifiopenbnn SM-T530NU

Hi Piero

Thanks a lot for your quick answer that will help me to go to the next steps .
I’m so impatient to see e-os running on my tab and to try it.

1 - Yes I did a factory with recovery-e as explained in the Howto.
2 - No i did you used the latest version you gave in your answer —> so I will use it
3 - No I’m not sure. I realize I did not pay enough attention to this step —> so I will check it
4 - Yes I’m sure it is SM-T535 model, it is what i see on the screen in odin mode
line 2 of your Galaxy Tab4 List

Thanks a lot Piero , and I’ll keep you innformed of the next steps.


Hi Piero it’s me again.

And again thanks a lot!
It works now! :slight_smile:
And I’m proud to be a e/os ambassador .


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i understand that you don’t have fully installed adb and fastboot by adding them to your path (that could be a little bit tricky when not power user)
i propose to work together to found a way to include the case of using adb and fastboot from the extracted folder…

  1. i need to change the steps order to install the tools before downloading the build


  • (download time was the reason why i putted download first… but it is more logic now…)
  1. indentify the passage to modify

I probably was not clear with what I tried to describe …
Not 100% sure but Yes I installed the tools properly from what I can tell and from the description of steps to follow for installation (I did not have to confirm being admin/power user or else)

I can look at it from two sides:
I can either copy the files to where the adb + fastboot is installed
that´s what I did in the first place - because I had not understood that I can as well simply start the command tool in the folder where the files are downloaded anyways.
That may sound odd to anexperienced adb/fastboot user - still it makes sense to me :slight_smile:
Does that clarify?

it may also be of interest that I did also install adb via 15 Seconds ADB Installer- maybe that explains it ?