[HOWTO] an Unified Install Guide Project for /e/

debian/ubuntu users can use apt install that include it in the path (even it is a quite old version) but for others (especially Windows and macOS users), “Platform Tools” comes as a .ZIP, when extracted, it become a simple folder from where the terminal must be openned and “Platform Tools” is not include in the app menu of the system as a classical app
it is important to take that in consideration…
so advising to put the recovery and the /e/ build into it is a very good thing !
i am in searching where and how to specify it…

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Thanks a lot @piero for taking the time to maintain this in such a dedicated manner.
I recalled what I did and I think now I better understand the ramifications:

On a Windows 10-machine: I unpacked the SDK as described here: https://doc.e.foundation/pages/install-adb-windows
But I skipped the Adding adb path to the environment variables-part.

Instead I installed 15 Seconds ADB Installer (which probably made unpacking the SDK files unnecessary)

(I also installed Universal ADB Drivers for Windows - but I hihgly doubt that was necessary after the 15-seconds…-thing…)

My guess now is that the installation of the 15 Seconds ADB Installer did something similar to the above mentioned Adding adb path to the environment variables-part for unpacked SDK.

And I suspect that’s why I’m able to shift + right-click into any folder (that contains the downloaded files for flashing, for example) and select from the menu to launch a powershell window in that folder that accepts adb and fastboot commands.

(which in turn makes the ‘put the necessary files into the adb-installation-folder’ part redundant… though perhaps not for those who just unpacked the SDK but skipped the add adb path to environment variables part).

I think that is a good tutorial for installing /e/OS on a compatible device. My problem is simplier because I have a Murena One. There is a menu to restore to original configuration. But are they some tips to know ?

Hi Pierro,
I have been trying to install eos on my Old LG G5, but not working.
Well, I am coming from DivestOS, since they stopped the project.
I install the eos recovery with fastboot flash recovery recoveryxxxxx.img", but not I am not able to reboot to recovery with keys in my case (volume down + power on…). I tried then to sideload eos zip, but its not working. getting the error 21 at 47% with signature verification failed error.
DO you know how to bypass all this?
Thanks alot

after you choose : “yes, install anyway” after :

because you come from another android distribution,

this is a normal behevior that the process hang at 47%, for a loonng time, “patching system inconditionnaly”,
just wait… there is not more error message, just wait…

No actually, it does not hang on 47% for long time. Neither it asks yes install anyway. It just aborts the installation throwing this error. Well I guess the error is also coming from the recovery. because I am not able to reboot into eos recovery mode although I factory reset the phone and wiped the cache…
I used the command “fastboot flash recovery eos-recoveryxxxx.img” it works fine, but inorder to reboot into recovery with powerand volume buttons, it just does not reboot into eos recovery!
At least I tried several times before I give up!

what about

fastboot reboot recovery

then the buttons ?


what is your device ?

my device is LG G5.
I read that the first time it must be with buttons and not through command line because otherwise it just boots into the installed OS!

there are 3 supported G5

Yes Sorry :slight_smile:
LG G5 h850

just replace the recovery file name here

Fastboot Install Method (No Root Required):

You will need the platform-tools from the Android SDK on your computer. Download the platform-tools as per your operating system.

Windows users will need proper drivers installed on their computer. You can try the simple FWUL adb/fastboot ISO or the Naked ADB drivers or the Universal ADB drivers if you don’t already have a working driver installed

On your device, go into Settings → About and find the Build Number and tap on it 7 times to enable developer settings. Press back and go into Developer Options and enable USB debugging. From your computer, open a command prompt and type:

adb reboot bootloader

You should now be in fastboot mode.

Download the correct image file and copy the file into the same folder as your platform-tools. Rename the image to twrp.img and type:

fastboot flash recovery twrp.img

fastboot reboot

Note many devices will replace your custom recovery automatically during first boot. To prevent this, use Google to find the proper key combo to enter recovery. After typing fastboot reboot, hold the key combo and boot to TWRP. Once TWRP is booted, TWRP will patch the stock ROM to prevent the stock ROM from replacing TWRP. If you don’t follow this step, you will have to repeat the install.

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ok thanks, the last paragraphe is the last shot.
I am not using TWRP recovery though. I will try with TWRP!
Thanks piero

no, use the recovery-e instead !
why i said : just replace the recovery name

it is the same as here :
Install /e/OS on a LG G5 (International) - “h850”

also the same as here :

what /e/ version do you try to flash ?

this one “recovery-e-2.7-t-20250112460980-community-h850.img”
T community

ok, so then e-2.7-t-20250112460980-community-h850.zip is what i was asking for…

so, for better compatibility, (to avoid signature verification failed error.) recovery-e-2.7-t-20250112460980-community-h850.img is a good choice

Well last thought I got is:
LineageOS stopped supporting my phone LG G5 h850, and since as far as I know that eos is a sort of fork of LineageOS, so I am wondering if this could be the issue?
Just wonrdering!

I have retried to first type the command:
$ fastboot reboot recovery
juste right away doing the keys combo to boot into recovery but not able to boot into eos recovery!

have a try using fastboot reboot

hmm, no this cmd does not work for me:
I get: < waiting for any device >
I actually do ($ adb reboot bootloader then $ fastboot reboot recovery) and this works, but again not in the eos recovery :frowning: