[HOWTO] build eOS in old fashioned way with breakfast -- now with interactive script

Second big question, if I want to use a cloud server to build quickly for dozens of devices, and have at the same time nougat, oreo et pie sources to build multiple devices at the same time without using docker.

The only thing I would have to do is create a /home/anonyme/e/nougat build directory, a /home/anonyme/e/oreo and a /e/pie then use the script in them right ?

And how to keep the build process running even when the ssh connection is closed ? I don’t know if it’s possible.

after built is finished run ‘make clean’. This will remove all from ‘out’ folder (so be sure you have moved the eOS.zip to a different folder)
and cache folder. So you will start with clean build environment

don’t know about docker. with old fashion was it won’t work. You have to build step by step


Looks like the tags have changed again :
repo init -u https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git -b refs/tags/v0.9-$VERS

Take a look at screen
Heavily used in IT, especially when working remote :wink:

I would delete everything in out/ folder after each build (dont forget to get the /e/ zip first as harvey186 said), but i would leave the .ccache folder as it is, it speeds up next builds a lot.

I personally prefer tmux rather than screen to work remotely

But only when building same device.

Hi @harvey186 I am trying to get an unofficial Pie build going for the Moto g4 plus [athene] which won’t be supported officially by /e/. I have done an Oreo build using the docker script.
These are the sources I want to use. I have run Arrowos on my phone in the past.

Here is my roomservice.xml.

What do you think. Please suggest any amendments

The sources aren’t made for LineageOS, I guess that’s an issue ?

If you want use these sources you will have a lot to do. The sources don’t fit the lineage rules / name conventions.
I have tried something like this for one of my devices. It was a pain. I need more than 3 month and hundreds of build tries til I get it running.

In the roomservice, path are supposed to be like :

“device/motorola/athene”, “kernel/motorola/msm-1234”, “vendor/motorola/athene”

This sources won’t work

Thanks @harvey186 that clarifies it for me. I will look elsewhere for sources.

Hi, can a LineageOS 15.1 kernel be used for a Pie build for instance please ?

Looks like the vendor for some devices are the same, no matter if it’s for LineageOS 17.1, 16.0 or 15.1 so maybe that’s the same thing for the kernel.

I think NO, and hat the vendor files are the same, I don’t think so. I’m not a dev so it’s theoretical. I think insite some files there you will find changes.
I the moment I’m building LOS17.1 for bacon. There is no LOS17.1 kernel. So I have used the LOS16 kernel but I’m getting a lot of errors. So I have to make a lot of adjustments in some kernel files.

From Android version to Android version the hardware access is changed. So the source must adjusted the same way.

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It would have been too easy, thanks :slight_smile:


At the end of the build process, the e-0.9-n-20200708-UNOFFICIAL-xxx.zip is created, just after the lineageota zip file is created, and after this, once the process should just end with the green success text, I have the following screen for 45 minutes for each build !
FYI, the HDD is working during that time, like if it was cleaning some things.

What does it do ? I don’t remember having this for such a long time a few days ago. Can I safely stop the process ? (Because the zip file I’m interested in is already created and I will delete the out/target/product/xxx directory anyway)

Thanks :slight_smile:

I have noted this also on my GSI build_bot. But I break the process with CRTL+C

I really don’t know why this is happens

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FYI, on Linux you can run:
dos2unix 161.sh

To fix the DOS/Windows newlines. This is a handy utility to have. unix2dos does the opposite.

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I now have a local machine that will build without Docker. I am trying to get hold of the interactive scripts that @harvey186 created. I downoaded them months ago, but into a machine that has since been wiped and had linux re-installed. The links in this thread no longer work, I think because @harvey186 no longer has an /e/ account.

Does anyone have a copy of the scripts they could let me have?

I have been using picomatic’s (@andrelam’s?) builde script but that just does a ‘Docker build without Docker’ and I would like a more flexible setup for changing builds.

I’m also looking at steadfasterX’s android-vendor-e repo but I would like to look at what @harvey186 did in his interactive scripts as well.
