[HOWTO] build eOS in old fashioned way with breakfast -- now with interactive script

If what you want is the necessary commands to create a build for a specific device, I can put the content of the script that does it for you. Well, better I separate it in 2 scripts, one to update the sources, and another one to make the compilation having the sources already in local.

It is not interactive. It’s just run it and wait for it to finish hours later.

For example… a device: tissot (Xiaomi Mi A1)

mkdir ~/bin 2>/dev/null
curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
cp ‘roomservice.xml’ .repo/local_manifests
read -p "Que sincronizo 1=eOS-Q ; 2=LineageOS 17.1 ? " OS
if [ $OS -eq 1 ]; then
echo “Sincronizando repositorio de /e/”
repo init -u https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git -b v1-q
echo “Sincronizando repositorio de LineageOS”
repo init -u git://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b lineage-17.1
repo sync --force-sync


export USE_CCACHE=1
export CCACHE_SIZE=70G
export LC_ALL=C
export MINIMAL_APPS=true

source build/envsetup.sh
breakfast tissot
brunch tissot

The MINIMAL_APPS variable is used if you do not want these apps to be included in your build:

  • LibreOffice viewer
  • PDFViewer
  • Maps
  • Weather

If you set false then you will have all apps are include.

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Thank you.

Now I can learn Spanish while I build my ROMs :slight_smile:


read -p "What do I sync 1=eOS-Q ; 2=LineageOS 17.1 ? " OS
if [ $OS -eq 1 ]; then
echo “Synchronizing repository /e/”

Something like this :sweat_smile:

Mil gracias. Así que, ¡comienza!

One more detail. Remember that you will need a file (roomservice.xml) where the paths to the sources are indicated.

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The script files linked to in this post are no longer available, is it possible to fix this so I can follow this howto?

Maybe on some others howtos ? How Tos

Thanks, I believe i have tried all, but they are not working for what I am building
I would like to make an unofficial build PIE build of the samsung s4 mini called serranovelte
As it is not supported officially by e os I should import the sources from here

So I hoped to follow this tutorial as it appears that others have had success making similar builds