Impossible to install opentasks

In eOS you should use under ‘settings’ / ‘accounts’ ‘WebDav’ (that’s Davx5) to setup your Nextcloud account.

And one word regarding NFC. Be happy that it isn’t working, because every (good) hacker could catch the transmitted data :wink:

Ok. Thanks for help and wise advice.

Hello there @PatrickZ @harvey186

Some concerns addressed by other applications.
OpenTasks is a dependency of etesync on Android, to mitigate current problem of calendar and tasks not being encrypted and stored in plain text in database, which never were addressed by NextCloud. Its nice and all to have our encrypted emails in /e/ account, but having to store calendar and events in clear is a total no go for most of us when we think about it.

So EteSync is an awesome project for that, open source but not free as in free beer. Good enough for my use case while not perfect since it complicates workflow and not so nice to setup on desktop.

Problem here is that its impossible to install on /e/, resulting in an “error -112”
How to circumvent that? I was able to use OpenTasks before. not anymore?

Edit: Which is weird at first sight since application is supposed to be a fork of opentasks so there shouldn’t be any conflict at all and where EteSync should see opentasks as being opentasks and play fair with it. Opening issue.

Edit: can’t open issue. @rhunault?

So, the NC main app not finding davx5 from its settings is just normal behavior then?


can’t open issue. @rhunault?


Which doesn’t recognize OpenTask and proposes to install it

Then when trying to install:

Yes, that’s because the default task app is opentasks.

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@harvey186: Nice dodging of the actual problem. Opened ticket here so you can both collaborate if goal is to have tasks and calendar content encrypted on nextcloud (which doesn’t provide that feature), else that data is in clear text as of right now and could leak from backups or any other leakage.

If you want install it be your own, you have to remove the existing default task app via twrp file manager or adb. It’s located under /system/priv-apps


If you want install it be your own, you have to remove the existing default task app via twrp file manager or adb. It’s located under /system/priv-apps

That won’t survive current full system OTA upgrades and is not a sustainable solution, unless [FEATURE PROPOSAL] OTA delta upgrades becomes active.

Even though delta OTA enforced, next pushed update of /e/'s opentask would probably cause the same problem, but inversely from what I understand of the current conflict and is not advisable as a mitigation for the exposed problem.

@rhunault? @harvey186: how do I open an issue for /e/ opentask? Is that considered a bug for EteSync?

You can raise issues here

Yes, your are right. My suggestion was more a workaround til a better solution is available.

@harvey186 Proposed solution here makes sense or collaboration here to fix it in etesync:

Thanks to collaborate in fixing this.


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The solution is presented in this ticket. Please implement and push build ASAP since it affects all users, even the ones who don’t want to put their calendar nor tasks unencrypted on your cloud because nextcloud.

@harvey186 @Manoj : Updating this issue since it will be closed in 6 days even if unresolved by forum policies.

Corrective actions are known. Waiting for someone at /e/ to fix in code:
foundation.e.tasks should not declare org.dmfs.permission.WRITE_TASKS but foundation.e.tasks.WRITE_TASKS instead.

Hi @insurgo I have passed it on to the dev team to look into the same and confirm if this fix will work and if yes to have it implemented at the earliest possible.

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