Install and connect Nextcloud app to your /e/cloud drive to unveil its true potential

remove your /e/ account from Settings/Accounts/

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Thanks for the guide.

I noticed that after setting up the NextCloud App the remote eDrive filesystem can be viewed in the ‘Files’ App. In ‘Files’ click on the hamburger, and at the bottom will be a mount point called NextCloud.

So in the last week I have been trying to get back to the original settings: de-installed the NextCloud app, trying to sync photos, videos and screenshots to eCloud.
So far, I have been unsuccessful. Anonyme is now putting it on gitlab. I have solved the problem by re-installing the app and setting up syncing there.

I think a warning is important: If you install the NextCloud app, it may be that you can not go back to the situation without that app.
At least for a Samsung S7 on /e/OS-Nougat.

Since I’ve installed and sync e.account with nextcloud to my phone, I see the other folders into my nextcloud app : Document, Ringtones, Devices etc. which I don’t want to synchronize.
How can I remove this folders from my app (which also now appear on the web version) ?

Hi @Cameleopard, welcome in the forum :slight_smile:

Have a look at the following HOWTO if you would like to disable the synchronization of some elements:


Hi, I am new to the community. Trying to install Nextcloud, but the Apps, logos, “unkonwns”, the “Dev” in the Appstore confuse me.
Which one is the right one?
Help appreciated.

Firstly, I suggest installing the NextCloud app from F-Droid rather than from /e/'s Apps store: you will see more information, and will receive app updates more promptly.

The app you need is the NextCloud synchronization client: I think that is the first one in your list, but it’s hard to tell from the limited information is that screenshot. In this screenshot (taken from F-Droid app), it is the sixth item in the list, showing version number 3.17.0, which is the most recent stable release.

You don’t want ‘Nextcloud Dev’: that is experimental, and only for people who want early visibility of new features (even if they don’t work fully), and are prepared to put up with possible ‘breaking’ changes


I agree with @petefoth. f-droid is much better. Simply not so much odd apps. But it’s the app without the logo.
One thing I want to mention to everyone, because I had the problem. You have to know that /e/ os has already some nextcloud sync build in. And if you use the ecloud with /e/ os it syncs your photos and videos.
You see that in account sync settings.

Right on the bottom you see Pictures and videos, which I disabled.
The issue was, that I had some Uploadrules configured in the nextcloud app and always got the notification, that the picture already existed. At first I thought it’s a bug in the nextcloud app. But no, it’s not. In /e/ os 0.17 this ecloud file sync feature didn’t work for me, so I didn’t noticed it. And it took me a few weeks to figure it out.
So I hope this helped some of you. And as it’s not mentioned in the first post of this thread, I wanted to add it.


the “unkown” author display is unfortunate, it’s an easy fix that starts in the fdroid build metadata with AuthorName. Then cleanapk has to pick it up. At least the Deck should show the author info. Needs some angel work I guess

Thank you, this was very helpful.

I recently bought a Murena GS290 and came across the sync problems.

I downloaded Nextcloud 3.17.1 from F-Droid. The ‘Auto Upload’ is now under ‘Settings’.

I don’t like the idea of two separate sync services syncing to the same (/e/) Nextcloud cloud storage.

So I started an extra free Nextcloud cloud storage somewhere for ‘auto upload’ syncing audio and images, and linked it also to my laptop.


I get the error after entering login and password in any nextcloud app…

Access denied
State token does not match

What shall I do?

use as the server address instead of


I have 2 eOS phones using the same /e/ account. Contacts and Calendar both sync nicely with the each other and the web. However the files only sync with one of the phones. Maybe I need the NextCloud synchronization client in order to get files syncing on both devices? Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.

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Nope, I have 3 devices syncing without NextCloud app here.
You may try to reset eDrive on non-working phone:

  • remove /e/ account
  • ensure good Wifi network, plug in to charger
  • reboot, configure /e/ account again
  • Wait about 1/2 hour and check again

That is a good suggestion @smu44, thanks.

I removed the account (all contacts disappeared) then configured the account again. The contacts and schedule reappeared, but sill no file syncing.

Perhaps I should start a new thread for this.

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Yes, please :slight_smile:

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Is there anew thread about this, and where please?

The steps described in the first post should still work fine, with the following changes

  • get the NextCloud sync app either from App Lounge or from F-Droid
  • use rather than
  • you can use either your or your when logging in to grant access to the NextCloud app

There are still a number of open issues and problems with /e/'s file sync functionality. There are many fewer problems with the NextCloud app and it gives significantly more control and more granularity about what files are synced / uploaded.