Installer stops after downloading, no error or acknowledgement just a "Try again" button

I found a solution to the problem :slight_smile:

Short version

  1. Retrieve the expected checksum in the easy-installer logs
  2. Find the corresponding build
  3. Replace the easy-installer zip

Long version

Step 1: Retrieve the expected checksum in the easy-installer logs

  1. go to the app directory : %LOCALAPPDATA%\easy-installer or ~/snap/easy-installer/common/
  2. open the last file and search the line starting by : ChecksumLine =
  3. copy the string after the =, we will need it later

Step 2: Find the corresponding build

  1. go to the :
  2. find your device
  3. navigate to the “Install doc”
  4. in the guide, you should find an “Upgrade” block on the left
  5. in the /e/OS Version Upgrade, you may have a link to the : /e/OS build stable (else try the dev)
  6. in builds, download the “SHA256” files to retrieve the one containing the same string we retrieved earlier
  7. once you retrieved it, download the zip file (the one corresponding to the “SHA256” matching the string)

Step 3: Replace the easy-installer zip

  1. Go to the easy-installer directory (according to the FAQ) :
    - Linux: ~/snap/easy-installer/common
    - Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\easy-installer
  2. Go to the sources directory
  3. Go to the device directory (ex: FP3)
  4. Copy the name of the existing zip file (ex:
  5. Rename the downloaded zip file to the copied one
  6. Replace the existing zip file (ex: by the downloaded one (your system may ask you if you want to replace it)

You should, in the end have 2 files in the easy-installer sources directory :
- a small file (~ 90 bytes)
- a big one (~2 gigabytes)

  • Retry the installation using easy-installer