I tried to install e regarding this guide:
it always ends up with “kInstallDeviceOpenError”, pls see picture:
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much.
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October 28, 2021, 9:09pm
You don’t say what version you are installing and what was on your phone previously, was it a Custom ROM, was it updated to the very latest stock ROM. I will attach some pages I have bookmarked.
Iv came very far now.
But now I get a error 7.
Please take a look at the file.
Any help?
@piero sorry for the many bumping
Hi everybody !
I’m getting this error (look at the screen). Actually I think I know why :
at the line “E3004: This package is for device: j5nlte, j5nltexx : this device is .”, my device code name (j5nlte) should appear (but it doesn’t), so I suppose the code name of my device have been erase during the wiping and because there is no match betweem my device code name (which doesn’t exist anymore) and the compatible devices list code name of the ROM, an arror occur.
What do you think about my t…
The eOS installation instructions ask you to make sure your device is on the latest stock before installing e.
But latest stock for Pixels is android 12!
I don’t think that would work. E would need to be flashed over android 11 for best outcome I think.
I was on Stock ROM 10. With 11 it worked.
Thank you all for clarification.
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