Installing e/os


For me it is now the thirt time with installing /e/OS on different phones.
The first time with a GS290 with the easy installer (that was really easy), then my Fairphone 5 and now updating my old Asus zenfone to 2.2.

I see that their several methods to flash the phone, but the last second times i send the image to the phone with ADB Sideload on the Recovery mode. But why i should use the option above and why would i need the vendor_boot.img?
I still don´t understand what i´m doing.

Further im still looking how i can lock the bootloader on my Fairphone again.
When i try to do this on my Fairphone the phone reboots instantly. So i decided to leave it unlocked.
I also noticed that when i lock the bootloader, the phone doing automatically a system reset.

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If you are trying to flash on a Zenfone, it might not work. Is the bootloader allready unlocked?

The Zenfone 8 was already flashed 1 year ago and yesterday ive updated the phone succesfull to 2.2 by sending the image with adb sideload with the community install doc.
But i don´t understand ¨flashing the Vendor Boot partition¨.
I can only use Fastboot and Adb i the phone is in Recovery mode.
Otherwise the my latop says looking for devices or something like that.
So thats why i mean that i don´t understand what i am doing.
Also i get stuck on getting the result on editing the Bashrc file on Linux.

Maybe the person who flashed this phone will did that for me?

First i was trying it with Linux because i use Mint and before Ubuntu for years. But that was not a succes for me.
With an old windows laptop i send succesfull the image to the Zenfone.
But the bootloader on this phone was never locked again.
Now i have sold my old phone to another e/os user, but my Fairphone 5 is still unlocked.

Is their also a tutorial to locking the bootloader?
Maybe its not a problem to leave it open? or is it better to still lock the bootloader?
I had never problems with that on te Asus, except i will get a message when i boot the phone.

You don’t want to lock the bootloader because it might put your device in bootloop or might even brick it. Therefore it is also not in the install doc mentioned. Only a few devices from Murena with offical/stable can be locked.

The vendor boot partition is for A13 partitions. I think it was allready introduced with A12 therefore some device didn’t need it when flashing from A12 to A13. If you were able to boot, then it should be fine.

Strange that it didn’t work with Linux Mint, I also use it. I always struggle getting the latest plattform-tools installed…

(probably because embeding some keys) the vendor_boot image is needed for the recovery Installation.
But it is included in the entire .ZIP, so when already installed, no need to reflash it for an update/upgrade.

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