The arguments in the link are all valid, but the good news is the /e/ team is aware of this and working on it. There are some topics about this security for newby , I just hacked… , Why Developmnt Build , Install mallicious … . In the meantime i think these tips from @Anonyme are the way to go:
Here are some basics on how to secure /e/ and every OS :
Encrypt your phone (if not, anybody will be able to access everything)
Set a good password (to prevent brut force)
Apply the updates (which bring security updates)
Do not install unknown or weird or untrustworthy apps
Do not root your phone
Limit authorizations asked by apps to the bare minimum in Security & Privacy > Trust (ou Protection des donnés en français ou quelque chose de similaire), then long press on any app you want to configure deeply
Do not let your phone without surveillance, someone could install something bad through TWRP but it’s very unlikely.
If you respect everything, you won’t face any issue (or you are the less lucky person on the internet).
Sure Apple and Google don’t have these issues, or a lot less. But they steal your data in other ways. So it’s kind of a trade-off at the moment. Again, it will be improved in the feature, like here Can you encrypt… .