Is there a newer rom for condor then e-0.7-n-2019112732147-dev-condor

Thanks @harvey186 I will bookmark that thread in case I ever get round to building locally, and outside of Docker. For now I’ll continue using Docker running on ‘throw-away’ cloud compute instances from Vultr as a: they are more powerful than any server I could afford to have at home and b: I don’t have the broadband bandwidth at home to be working with huge repo repositories.

I look forward to the official Docker image getting fixed sometime soon so I can build a new unofficial surnia ROM

@sassonie I’m sorry to say that the build for Condor is failing because of this issue
@trefix The build for Surnia is in progress. I’ll update this post when it’s finished
(Later) The surnia build was a success and the ROM is now available, details here

Thanks a lot for your efforts… :wink:

could you send my the roomservice.xml via ? Than I can create a small version :slight_smile:

I will if I can find it. Can you tell me whereabouts in the /srv/ directory structure I should look? (I’m still building with Docker, so I don’t usually have anything directly to do with the source)

its in .repo/local_manifests

Name could be manifest.xml

It should be in the src/PIE/.repo folder - the folder would be hidden. In your case it may be src/nougat/.repo

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Here it is
Do you need any other files, while the server is up and running?

OK, just started a mido build. When read Î will try yours

sorry, have overseen that that’s a nougat rom. I only have pie sources available. So, I’m not able to build it. Sorry :frowning:

No problem. Thanks for trying. I have a way forward to explore (changing content of file src/NOUGAT/vendor/cm/config/ to leave out unneeded / unwanted apps

Most apps are in /packages/apps and in prebuilds/prebuildapks

You can check my script what is unneeded

That link gives me a ‘File not found’ message

One more

Better i hope

I have checkt both links. Both are working

That worked. Thanks very much

I’ve tried removing apps /srv/e/src/NOUGAT/vendor/cm/config/ and I’ve tried using your script, but I still can’t get a condor ROM to build so I’m stopping. I’ll keep an eye on issue #1172 and I hope to be able to build a condor ROM when it is fixed. Thanks again for your help

Have you checked if the apps really deleted? Because docker makes everytime a repo sync.
And have you also removed unneeded prebuild apks?

Yes. I copy my modified to /srv/e/src/NOUGAT/vendor/cm/config/ after the repo sync and before the build starts. Confirmed in the log file that the removed apps are not built. And the image size has reduced from 1067MB in the unmodified version to around 861MB.

No. I’m afraid I don’t really have the time or interest to experiment any further. I can live with the current ROM on my condor device until issue 1172 is fixed and it is possible to build a condor ROM without manual intervention.
I also plan to set up a build environment at home and I will spend time setting that up rather than building more ROMs o cloud servers.
Thanks again for your help

That makes no differences I have learned. You MUST remove the apk. You can check that in /out/product/condor/system. You will see, all apps which you have removed in are sill there :frowning:

The whole build process of android is so sad against every programming rules. I’m getting always angry when I have to debug an learn that the build is doing things which he should do. It’s using folders which aren’t for the actual build and and and.

I have downloaded nougat sources, because I would try. But i can’t find any vendor blobs in your roomservice.xml
And on Github, there a a lot of different condor versions available

Do you know, which one is yours or from where the vendor blobs are coming ?