Issue with no connectivity for users still on old builds post release of v2.0

Using Fairphone 3, /e/OS 0.23-202204061 updated last 6 april 2022 (no new updates).

That fits perfect to my observation that a lot of fp3 did fall back to their original version which was relatively buggy! Unfortunately my download of the version 1.5 stucks with 86% as my data volume is exhausted now :frowning:
I boooked more data and its through now. It prepares the update. Keep fingers crossed!
Now I am again on version 1.5 but the behaviour is the same. All 3 of my WLANs show the same “no internet” as before and if I switch off the WLAN the 3G/4G/5G connection shows the “x” again. But now I see suddenly a version 1.5.1 update.

Please refer to [HOWTO] Give complete /e/OS version info easily for support, answers, comparison etc to include all necessary info for others to be able to help.

The emerging solution to the problem seems to be updating or upgrading to a more current OS version, ideally to the really most current one.

As with any update/upgrade … please backup all your important stuff on the phone to somewhere safe beforehand.

They didn’t fall back. 0.23 simply was the last /e/OS version based on Android 9 (P) on Fairphone 3/3+, from which a manual upgrade would have been necessary to get any further, which not every user did, which simply left devices stuck on this old version. This still comes up from time to time in the forum.

There were a lot of new updates, but because of a technical issue which the developers couldn’t work around a manual upgrade to Android 10 (Q) would have been necessary to get them.

What’s your complete /e/OS version (see link given above)?

Zerberus, If you report your findings, there is a ticket open here

I have a FP4 (sorry I have written before it is a fp3) with Android-Version 11 and Build e_FP4-user 11 RQ3A.211001.001 eng.root.20221028.151108 dev-keys

Now I just do the update to 1.5.1 manually

Current version installed on my phone is 0.12-q-2020111084009-stable-FP3
and experiencing the issue

I have upgraded to 1.5.1 and basically nothing changed in the behaviour. It still shows “no internet” on my WLANs. But the data seem to come through. But I think they came through before, too! I only did not use it as I switched off WLAN and than saw that on 3G/4G/5G connection the “x” for “no internet” is shown.

This even is Android 10 (Q) stable already, which for FP3 later got OTA upgrades (automatic via the updater in the Settings instead of having to do it manually) to Android 11 (R), Android 12 (S) and Android 13 (T). Current version would be 2.0-t.

What does the updater in the Settings say? Does it simply say there are no updates, or is it some error?

Thanks for raising the issue @Matixelles Have passed on the details regarding this to the developer to check.

All those who are facing this issue can add their logs to this report on gitlab

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In another thread where the user had an older (Oreo) stable build and seemingly similar “connected, no internet” issue, the System updater seemed to be repaired / recovered by applying


I german but similar issue on same device:

Thank you very much! With this I have seen that the flow of upgrades did not stop Nov 2022 but that there are a lot of more updates. Now I am loading OS 2.0 and hope I get WLAN shown as “with internet” and 3G/4G/5G, too!

And my FP4 works as it should now! WLAN normal, 3G/4G/5G normal. It shows now Build: e:FP4-user 12 SQ3A.220705.004 eng.root.20240506.184134

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It’s easier for everybody here to see the relevant bits of version info this way, and it’s how the filenames of the OS install files are arranged, too.

Okay It shows now:
Android 12
/e/ OS-Version 2.0-s-20240506399550-stable-FP4

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Thanks, much easier to see what exactly you are running now :+1: .

Android 9

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Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Android 9

This is Android 9 (P) and thus the situation i described above.

The way forward on FP3 is a backup of all your important stuff on the phone to somewhere safe, and then a new install, either with the Easy Installer or manually via command line …
Both options will wipe your data.

You are absolutely certain this is the ONLY way to fix this issue? Are we sure what is causing the issue yet? I don’t wanna risk bricking my phone unless there is no other way…

I can backup his method and so could alot of others on the forum if you search for it :wink: