[LEGACY_BUILDS] collection for /e/ OS supported "legacy devices"

Finaly!? Thanks piero. I’m waiting for that. You’re the best.

Hi piero, i just tested your build and it works great. But one thing i notice that rootbeer is not pass and it detect a root device. i think ih8sn not integrated with your build, on /e/ device wiki it showed that rootbeer is pass on my device. I remember when build still dev on 2022, /e/os injected ih8sn on dev build. I can use my whatsapp without custom rom pop up warning, or maybe i was wrong?

try this (English version) :

I resolved it with flashing with ih8sn GitHub - luk1337/ih8sn but i swap a conf file with etc/ih8sn/ih8sn.conf · staging · os / public / lineage / vendor_extra · GitLab
Config itself more universal with all device.

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OK, now I can fully confirm my suspicion about your builds.
Today I installed i on my old S4:


And the same problem is present as in your LEGACY build for S5 ‘klte’.

First I wiped out everything System partion and Factory reset.
Then installed from your recovery (2.3 LEGACY from your download) as it should be installed, then did:

adb sideload e-2.3-r-20250121-LEGACY-jfvelte.zip
The recovery recognized keys after verifying your ROM, the phone started normally, and after first initial configuration i clicked on the browser and it crashed:

“Your device couldn’t open Browser. To fix the issue, download the latest Browser update from your app store”

So indeed you have some build environment problems, because two phones is unlikely to get the same error.
Summarizing, the same error when opening the Browser is present in klte and jfvelte.

also, checked if the system is fully wiped out, and it was, after restart from recovery it went straight to Download mode, without touching any buttons.

It could also mean that Captive Portal do not work aswell, but I don’t know how to test it.

Can anybody post link to the OFFICIAL latest /e/OS for Galaxy S4 “jfvelte” Value edition (GT-I9515)? That was in the download section on the Wiki page. Thanks!

There is already e-1.9-r-20230312268580-dev-jfvelte.zip available (thanks to @make-nz)