[LEGACY_BUILDS] collection for /e/ OS supported "legacy devices"

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


As developpement on some devices has been dropped,

the /e/ management decided to qualify those dropped devices as “legacy devices”.
But since the latest builds released by the /e/foundation for “legacy devices” are currently unavailables,


these LEGACY builds are not Updates nor Upgrades but a rebuild of the last version missing on official website…


my intentions here are :

  1. collecting available dev builds from users personnal archives, contact me if you still have some old builds from /e/ stored
    *. on your PC ! in your Download folder, or into the snap easy-installer folder
    *. on your phone ! in your Dowload folder, or in the /data/lineageos_updates location, (to find them, boot to TWRP even temporary : fastboot boot twrp.img or use a file manager with root permission, or use adb shell root through recovery with adb pull command)
  2. initiate a collection here !
    (one can post it using https://upload.disroot.org/, and i will upload it to the /e/OS Legacy Builds server thanks to the sourceforge project.
  3. make LEGACY builds for missing devices where UNOFFICIAL builds don’t already exist or are outdated… (help is welcome as it take hours…)
What is a ‘discontinued’ or ‘Legacy’ device ?

Discontinued or Legacy

  • R or Android 11
  • Q or Android 10
  • Pie or Android 9
  • Oreo or Android 8.x
  • Nougat or Android 7.x

What does a ‘discontinued’ or ‘Legacy’ device mean

  • Newly released applications like App Lounge and Advanced privacy are not customized for these OS versions.
  • Lack of dedicated ROM Maintainers
  • No support upstream on Lineage
  • Device trees will continue to exist in the Gitlab
  • Ysers with build skills can create unofficial or custom ROMs on these versions
  • Security patches and vendor patches for the Pie, Oreo and Nougat code will be updated based on availability.
  • Google stops security patches for OS after some time. Similarly, Vendors drop support for older models when they release newer models in the market. Then it depends on developers from various communities to backport the patches.
  • OS versions which will not receive support are marked as ‘Legacy’ in our Supported Devices list.
  • Devices marked as ‘Legacy’ will no longer receive any updates from the /e/OS team.


What are these `Legacy` builds ?

these LEGACY builds are not Updates nor Upgrades but a rebuild of thé last missing version

They are based on Pure /e/ and lineage source code, they don’t rely to any unofficial device tree or kernel repo, no updates, no upgrades, just latest official available…

only difference is they are not compiled on /e/ servers, but on my poor 30€ computer ( an i5(2500) 4-core 3,300 Ghz, with 16 Gb RAM DDR3 1333 Mhz and SATA 3 Gbit/s BUS ) it took 4h00 to 5h30 from the first build of a serie of devices sharing the same kernel, then 1h00 to 2h00 for the others builds of the serie…


how to find informations about your device, and install instructions


clic here to find informations and install instructions for your from the /e/ documentation

legacy devices are a bit hiden on the /e/ supported list :

  • to make them visisible, you need to enable “legacy devices visibility”
    → open Smartphone Selector
  • then look here :

Capture d’écran du 2025-01-16 14-07-39
Capture d’écran du 2025-01-16 14-08-01
Capture d’écran du 2025-01-16 14-08-17


clic here to find informations from the device himself

[HOWTO] Find device codename


equivalent to :

A.O.S.P. version version CodeName Last /e/ version abandon Date
android 7.1.2 Nougat e-0.21-n ?
android 8.0.1 Oreo e-0.21-o ?
android 9 Pie e-0.23-p ?
android 10 Quince Tart e-1.17-q 2023 november
android 11 Red Velvet Cake e-2.3-r 2024 july




if you dont find a build for your device in our list,

First, search if exist an Unofficial Upgrade Build for your device : click on this link :
and simply replace “your_device_codename” by the product codename of your device

if you still dont find your device, or need a specific version,

feel free to ask here !

given informations about your device as exemple :

Retail Branding Marketing Name Device Name Model Number Latest /e/OS Version Released Custom Build Product Name if differs
Fairphone FP2 FP2 FP2 e-2.2-r
Samsung Galaxy S4 jflte GT-I9505 e-2.2-r jfltexx


if you dont find a build for your device in our list,

First, search if exist an Unofficial Upgrade Build for your device : click on this link :
and simply replace “your_device_codename” by the product codename of your device

if you still dont find your device, or need a specific version,

feel free to ask here !

given informations about your device as exemple :

Retail Branding Marketing Name Device codename Model Number latest /e/version Custom Build codename if differs
Fairphone FP2 FP2 FP2 e-2.2-r
Samsung Galaxy S4 jflte GT-I9505 e-2.2-r jfltexx


Also please confirm us that the builds are working


you can find the collected builds here : /e/OS legacy builds - Browse Files at SourceForge.net

( :warning:…work in progress…:warning: )

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone



Legacy Builds for Murena Official Devices


Retail Branding Marketing Name Device name Model Number Available Version / Product Name
Murena / Samsung Galaxy S7 herolte / heroltebmc / heroltektt / heroltelgt / herolteskt SM-G930F / SM-G930FD / SM-G930X / SM-G930W8 / SM-G930K / SM-G930L / SM-G930S e-1,6-q-stable-herolte
Murena / Samsung Galaxy S7 edge hero2lte / hero2ltebmc / hero2ltektt / hero2ltelgt / hero2lteskt SM-G935F / SM-G935FD / SM-G935X / SM-G935W8 / SM-G935K / SM-G935L / SM-G935S e-1.13-q-stable-hero2lte
Murena / Samsung Galaxy S8 dreamlte SM-G950F / SM-G950FD e-1.13-r-stable-dreamlte
Murena / Samsung Galaxy S9 Starlte / starlteks SM-G960F / SM-G960FD / SM-G960N e-1.17-q-LEGACY-starlte
/ e / Foundation Treble Generic System Image Treble G,S,I, IMG-e-1,14-q-dev-treble_arm64_avN
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Legacy Builds for /e/ Devices Dropped in “R”


A.O.S.P. CodeName last dev version abandon
android 11 Red Velvet Cake e-2.2-r 2024 july




Retail Branding Marketing Name Device name Model Number Available Version / Product Name
Fairphone FP2 FP2 FP2 e-2.2-r-dev-FP2 / e-2.3-r-LEGACY_test_2-FP2
Google by Motorola Nexus 6 shamu Nexus 6 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-shamu
LeEco Le Max2 le_x2 / le_x2_cn / le_x2_cn / le_x2_ww / le_x2_na Le X820 / Le X821 / Le X822 / Le X829 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-x2
LeEco Le Pro3 / Le Pro3 Elite le_zl1 LEX720 / LEX722 / LEX725 LEX727 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-zl1
Lenovo P2 kuntao p2a42 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-kuntao
Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus LTE YT-X703L YT-X703L / YT-X703X e-2.3-r-LEGACY-YTX703L
Lenovo Yoga Tab 3 Plus Wi-Fi YT-X703F YT-X703F e-2.3-r-LEGACY-YTX703F
Motorola Moto G (5) / Moto G (5th Gen) cedric Moto G (5) e-2.3-r-MINI_LEGACY-cedric
Motorola Moto G (5S) montana Moto G (5S) / XT1799-1 e-2.3-r-MINI_LEGACY-montana
Motorola moto e5 plus ahannah Moto E / XT1924-9 / moto e5 plus e-2.3-r-MINI_LEGACY-ahannah
Motorola moto e5 plus hannah Moto E / moto e5 plus / moto e5 supra e-2.3-r-MINI_LEGACY-hannah
Motorola moto e5 plus rhannah Moto E / moto e5 plus e-2.3-r-MINI_LEGACY-rhannah
Motorola Moto X 2014 victara XT1085 / XT1092 / XT1093 / XT1094 / XT1095 / XT1096 / XT1097 / XT1098 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-victara
Motorola Moto Z Play / Moto Z Play Droid addison XT1563 / XT1635-02 / XT1635-03 / XT1635-01 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-addison
Motorola Moto Z (2) Play albus Moto Z2 Play / XT1710-02 / XT1710-08 / XT1710-11 e-2.2-r-dev-albus
Nextbit Robin ether Robin e-2.3-r-LEGACY-ether
OnePlus 3 / OnePlus 3 / OnePlus 3T oneplus3 A3000 / A3003 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-oneplus3
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) a5y17lte / a5y17ltektt / a5y17ltelgt / a5y17lteskt / a5y17ltecan SM-A520F / SM-A520F/DS / SM-A520X / SM-A520K / SM-A520L / SM-A520S / SM-A520W e-2.2-r-dev-a5y17lte / e-2.3-r-LEGACY-a5y17lte
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) a7y17lte / a7y17lteskt SM-A720F / SM-A720F/DS / SM-A720S e-2.3-r-LEGACY-a7y17lte
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE / Note 3 Duos hlte / hltespr SM-N9002 / SM-N9005 / SM-N9006 / SM-N9007 / SM-N9008 / SM-N9009 / SM-N900U / SM-N900P e-2.3-r-LEGACY-hlte
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE hlte SM-N9008V e-2.3-r-LEGACY-hltechn
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE hltektt / hltelgt / hlteskt SM-N900K / SM-N900L / SM-N900S e-2.3-r-LEGACY-hltekor
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 LTE hltetmo / hltevzw / hltecan / hlteusc SM-N900T / SM-N900V / SM-N900R4 / SM-N900W8 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-hltetmo
Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo (Samsung Camera) s3ve3g GT-I9301I / GT-I9301Q e-2.3-r-MINI-LEGACY-s3ve3gjv
Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo (Sony Camera) s3ve3g / s3ve3gdd / s3ve3gds /s3ve3gdsdd GT-I9300I e-2.3-r-MINI-LEGACY-s3ve3gxx
Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo Dual SIM s3ve3g / s3ve3gdd / s3ve3gds /s3ve3gdsdd GT-I9300I e-1.7-r-dev-s3ve3gds / e-2.3-r-MINI-LEGACY-s3ve3gds
Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE internationnal jflte / jfltetmo / jfltecan / jgedlte GT-I9505 / GT-I9508 / GT-I9508C / SGH-M919/ SGH-M919V / SGH-I337M / GT-I9505G e-2,1-r-dev-jfltexx / e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jfltexx
Samsung Galaxy S4 AT&T jflteatt SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jflteatt
Samsung Galaxy S4 jfltespr / jfltecri / jfltecsp / jflteusc SPH-L720 / SCH-R970C / SCH-R970X / SCH-R970 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jfltespr
Samsung Galaxy S4 jfltevzw SCH-I545 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jfltevzw
Samsung Galaxy S4 Active jactivelte GT-I9295 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jactivelte
Samsung Galaxy S4 Value Edition jfvelte GT-I9515 / GT-I9515L e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jfvelte
Samsung Galaxy S5 international klte / klteusc / klteacg / kltetmo / kltevzw / kltecan SM-G900F / SM-G900M / SM-G900R4 / SM-G900R7 / SM-G900T / SM-G900V / SM-G900W8 e-2.0-r-dev-klte / e-2.3-r-LEGACY-klte
Samsung Galaxy S5 international Duos klteduos SM-G900FD / SM-G900MD e-2.3-r-LEGACY-klteduos
Samsung Galaxy S5 klteaio SM-G900AZ / SM-S902L e-2.3-r-LEGACY-klteaio
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltechn SM-G9006V / SM-G9008V e-2.3-r-LEGACY-kltechn
Samsung Galaxy S5 Duos klteduoszn / klte SM-G9006W / SM-G9008W / SM-G9009W e-2.3-r-LEGACY-kltechnduo
Samsung Galaxy S5 klte / kltespr SM-G900I / SM-G900P e-2.3-r-LEGACY-kltedv
Samsung Galaxy S5 kltektt / kltelgt / klteskt SM-G900K / SM-G900L / SM-G900S e-2.3-r-LEGACY-kltekor
Samsung Galaxy S5 SC-04F / SCL23 SC-04F / SCL23 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-kltekdi
Samsung Galaxy S5 Active klteactive / klteattactive / kltecanactive SM-G870F / SM-G870A / SM-G870W e-2.3-r-LEGACY-klteactivexx
Sony Xperia Z2 D6502 / D6503 D6502 / D6503 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-sirius
Sony Xperia Z3 D6603 D6603 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-z3
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact D5803 / D5833 D5803 / D5833 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-z3c
Sony Xperia Z5 Compact E5803 / E5823 E5803 / E5823 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-suzuran
Xiaomi Mix lithium MIX / lithium e-2.3-r-LEGACY- lithium
Xiaomi Mi Note 2 scorpio Mi Note 2 e-2.3-r-LEGACY- scorpio
Xiaomi Mi Note3 jason Mi Note3 e-2.3-r-LEGACY- jason
Xiaomi Mi A2 jasmine_sprout Mi A2 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-jasmine_sprout
Xiaomi Mi 6X wayne Mi 6X e-2.3-r-LEGACY-wayne
Xiaomi Mi 8 Lite platina Mi 8 Lite / platina e-2.3-r-LEGACY-platina
Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 / Redmi Note 5 Pro whyred Redmi Note 5 / Redmi Note 5 Pro e-2.3-r-LEGACY-whyred
Xiaomi Redmi Note 6 Pro tulip Redmi Note 6 Pro e-2.3-r-LEGACY-twolip
Xiaomi / Redmi Redmi Note 7 lavender Redmi Note 7 e-2.3-r-LEGACY-lavender
Xiaomi / Redmi Redmi Note 8 / Redmi Note 8T ginkgo / willow Redmi Note 8 / GINKGO / Redmi Note 8T / willow e-2.3-r-LEGACY- ginkgo


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services phone


A.O.S.P. CodeName last version abandon
android 10 Quince Tart e-1.17-q 2023 november


Retail Branding Marketing Name Device name Model Number Product Name / Available Version
Generic System Image Treble G.S.I. Treble G,S,I, IMG-e-1,14-q-dev-treble_arm64_avN


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services phone

( :warning:…work in progress…:warning: ) feel free to ask

A.O.S.P. CodeName last version abandon
android 9 Pie e-0.23-p

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services

( :warning:…work in progress…:warning: ) feel free to ask phone

A.O.S.P. CodeName last version abandon
android 8.0.1 Oreo e-0.21-o


Retail Branding Marketing Name Device codename Model Number latest /e/version Custom Build codename if differs
Huawei for Gogol Nexus 6P angler Nexus 6P e-0.21-o-20240113-LEGACY-angler.zip

feel free to ask ( :warning:…work in progress…:warning: )

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services phone

A.O.S.P. CodeName last version abandon
android 7.1.2 Nougat e-0.21-n

( :warning:…work in progress…:warning: ) feel free to ask

phoneRegain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services


Hi @piero !

I would like to thank you for Legacy builds, but unfortunately for “klte” it’s broken.
After I installl it from your download link for klte (Galaxy S5). After passing first configuration, many things are broken:

  1. Browser cannot be open it crashes.
  2. Grayjay after install crashes as well.

On latest dev build from official guide download “info about klte” it was running without problems. But now downloads are not available for this phone after /e/ OS outage.

Does anybody have the last build from 2024, it was called if I remember, something like:

Does anybody know when downloads from the official wiki for “klte” will be available?
When I go to the wiki site and instructions and to the section "Downloads for “klte” it says:

This site:
“Not Found
The requested resource was not found on this server.”

This is why i created the Legacy Builds Collection…

Could be on your PC in the /download folder or in a /personnal folder
Could be on your phone at the /data/lineageos_updates location

I will rebuild as soon as possible, (mid week 5)
it’s working without these issues on my Galaxy s4 (jfltexx)

Yes, and mine is Galaxy S5. Also, I checked sha256sum and they are match. Tested twice, but if you want, I can test again.

Do i understand well all apps crash ? or only the mentionned ?

Was it clean or dirty flash ?

The goal is to update devices struck on pre- e-2.0- or installing on new devices

No, only browser, and maybe some others (don’t know), which is critical, because the new users installing it, would not be able to do anything, because App Lounge is not working for obvious reasons (it’s old?).

I just downloaded aurora store to pen drive and copied it to the phone, and Brave was working fine (installed from Aurora), but not Grayjay, from wahat I remembered.
Installed the last version that somebody provided “e-2.2-r-20240719418592-dev-klte.zip” which was in download section of ‘klte’ wiki before the outage. And everything was working fine, except AppLounge (because it’s old?).

***It was a clean install from TWRP after format and wipe.

Evening piero, sorry for bothering you. Do you have a latest build from LeEco Max 2 (x2)? I’m already find it everywhere, and zero result. Thanks.

Edit: My english is suck, edit later.

I Will make it my priority, will try untill tomorrow

edit : i had problems with my build environement, now i have to leave for some days, i will let the computer running and try to release before monday…

I heard /e/ will reuploaded the LEGACY ones with their latest releases. Can it be happen?

I hope they will,
thanks for the info.
Where did you see that ?

Development updates says: " * Devices which got the last build on Pie, Q or R may be missing builds. We will try to add these builds at a date to be shared later.".

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/e/OS legacy builds - Browse /leeco/x2 at SourceForge.net

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