[LIST] Banking Apps on /e/OS

In Norway, Nordea ID and Nordea Mobile work fine. However, Vipps doesn’t work any longer (activation never ends).

For those considering the Dutch ING banking app: QR scanner on ING Bankieren app stopped working months ago. Since I didn’t see any posts here about ING in particular, I assumed it was just me :roll_eyes: and have been pursuing their helpdesk. Yesterday, they finally confirmed the app now needs Google Play Service (a more general problem, I gather). Did point out to them that their colleagues at Triodos have now made their app (and QR) fully working on e/os (as well as earlier the government authentication app DigiD), but that didn’t impress them (“we cannot comment on future plans or changes”)… Disappointing. Note that when paying online with ING (IDEAL) and being presented with QR code, there is also a small print link below to bypass QR and pay with online banking instead of app. That works.

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Which version of the ING app are you talking about? I am running 2024.8.0.0 on e.os v1.21 and the QR code scanner still works…

Oh! Same versions here, on an FP5 (with e/os preinstalled, via Murena). So it is just me? :blush: Of the FP5? Weird. I have, of course, tried re-installing the banking app several times and in the beginning it worked fine. Now, when I hit the scan button, the image freezes immediately. Any settings I could experiment with? E.g., can I set a different package to use for QR scanning? Many thanks btw for the response!

Which e.os version are you running?

Also v1.21. Same version app and e.os! That’s why I’m puzzled

In full: /e/OS 1.21-t-20240323388918-stable-FP5

Google safetynet is enabled on your FP5 (see MicroG)?

(Please note I am running Oneplus 7t pro)

Thanks for the suggestion! Google Safetynet is enabled, but no apps are using it, it says.

Can you make a screenshot of your MicroG settings?


Anything that is not correct? Don’t think I have ever changed anything here

@jaap.boter - ING: microG MLkit barcode implementation happened in * v0.3.1.240913 - that’s ahead of your version.

(as for Triodos: probably included a standalone qrcode scanning lib, it’s cheap in terms of size, see zxing. So all AOSP users can run this, not microG only)

The MicoG settings are exactly the same as mine…

@tcecyk - heard about the plans, great to hear it’s now implemented. Doesn’t work yet with my e.os version, it says, but glad to hear it’s on the horizon!

@voorstad - surprising that your ING app works and mine doesn’t. But perhaps with a next stable version of MicroG and MLkit barcode implementation this might be a thing of the past!

ING Banking DE works fine

Italy: Banca Sella, app name: Sella.
Working just fine ox Xiaomi Redmi note 10 Pro, /e/OS

banque : caisse d’épargne
app: banxo
phone : fp4 murena /e/os
work fine


Country: Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Spain

VIPPS does not work on my Fairphone 5 with eOS 1.21.

It is a shame, as VIPPS has expanded to Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Spain.

VIPPS did work on my Xiaomi 10T with eOS 1.1, so I find it weird that I am having problems with my FP5. I have tried several times to get it to work without success.

Can someone please look into this?

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CIC app is still running fine with 1.21 T.
I also could make CIC Pay app to work, disabling USB debugging as instructed by app :smiley_cat: