Sharing the list of devices that are next in line to be upgraded to /e/OS ‘S’ or A12
As you may be aware, /e/OS is a fork of LineageOS. It is relatively easy for us to upgrade /e/OS supported devices which have been upgraded officially to s or Android 12 on LOS. If you can share names of devices which are missing in this list, pl do share in this thread.
as evoked in this thread ([LIST] Devices we plan to upgrade to /e/OS S - #59 by upyourscabal), I have 2 phones Samsung A5 2017 (a5y17lte) but I don’t see them in the any thread (the linked one or this current one).
Is it possible to add it to supported devices for Android 12?
Today A5 has Android R for /e/ and LOS.
I have asked the porting team to check which all devices can be upgraded to /e/OS s or Android 12 . The team has not come back as yet with the list. Once I have the details will add it to the initial post in this thread.