Managing too much pictures stored on the cloud

my 1 Gio plan got full a while ago, and in my case this is with many pictures.
As a first guess, end of september 2023, I have tried to replace murenacloud with a self-hosted nextcloud. But this was not convincing as I did not figure out how murenacloud and nextcloud could work together.
Following another path, I recently understood how to handle more precisely my data, thanks to the following post:

All the pictures stored in murenacloud are copies which were already removed from my phone several months ago. Saying apart, I wonder how synchronization works. In order to remove them all, I understand they need to be selected one by one from the web interface, and then press delete button.
One by one looks too long for me, so I opened my browser console to try a “select all” command: document.querySelectorAll('.select').forEach((element) => {});
It’s not perfect, but if you scroll enough between executions, you may succeed in filling your cart by grabbing them successively roughly 30 by 30. Once the cart is full enough, send it to trash from within the page toolbox.
Done after five passes: (~) 290+330+130+70+16
That is ~800 pictures removed successfully, freeing easily about 1 Gio storage space.

One can also map the Murena Cloud storage using WebDAV, then use any kind of file explorer :wink: