Neither android_device_xiaomi_clover & proprietary_vendor_xiaomi_clover include lineageos-17 branch (pie).
Trying a test build with oreo (lineageos-16) …
Thanks @smu44! I’ll check it out and try changing the script to build an oreo version.
Problem is, the firmware on the mipad 4 is already pie…
Lineage 16 is pie
Lineage 17 is Q (10)
Ooops ! My bad
good news, 16 is ok !
Got an error with some lineage repo, will check later.
I realized I never had changed the /root/ .sh scripts to 755… I just did that and re-executed the script. It’s at ‘Syncing branch repository’ right now…
let’s hope it works!!
Good luck …
by the way, I never have used chmod 775. I’m always used
sudo chmod +x
to make it executable
Lineageos seems to be missing sources for clover, as well as /e/.
That’s the output of, giving (nice name !) a try, but I’m afraid the result will be the same …
Try my forked repos
Sure, it will. You have to fork the sources in your own git and include them via roomservice.xml
Or you include the above git in roomservice.xml
Ah, ah, ah, I totally forgot about roomservice.xml… I’ll have another go tomorrow!!! That’s why my build this morning failed. Good to remember…
I have forked the clover repos in my own Github, of course.
But, as both scripts relies on Lineage and /e/ repos for devices characteristics, they fail every time
The first lines from the logs file are :
>> [Tue Jan 14 13:17:27 CET 2020] Starting build for clover, v1-pie branch
including vendor/lineage/
frameworks/native/build/ error: _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/xiaomi/clover/]]: "vendor/xiaomi/clover/" does not exist.
13:17:31 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1
Device clover not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github (
Repository for clover not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml.
frameworks/native/build/ error: _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/xiaomi/clover/]]: "vendor/xiaomi/clover/" does not exist.
13:17:32 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1
frameworks/native/build/ error: _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/xiaomi/clover/]]: "vendor/xiaomi/clover/" does not exist.
13:17:32 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1
** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_clover'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
Here is my roomservice, I suspect the LineageOS project to be at fault :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="***/android_device_xiaomi_clover" path="device/xiaomi/clover" remote="github" />
<project name="***/android_kernel_xiaomi_clover" path="kernel/xiaomi/clover" remote="github" />
<project name="***/proprietary_vendor_xiaomi_clover" path="vendor/xiaomi/clover" remote="github" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_packages_resources_devicesettings" path="packages/resources/devicesettings" remote="github" />
I think we’ll have to include GuaiYiHu repo (first post above), but I don’t know how to handle it
I searched a little in XDA forum thread mentioned above, they seem to rely on Which, unfortunately, is far beyond my understanding (for now) !
I can get my hands on a quite powerfull building VM for free, don’t hesitate to send me repo xml and build script (or parameters).
This way, we could parallelize building attempts using several configurations
Only cloning and using sources isn’t working. The sources must fit the lineage rules. For example, you must have in device tree a file insite the .mk or .bp files everythng must also fit the lineage rules.
I have had a look into the sources. The must renamed to and inside the file the line
PRODUCT_NAME := mk_clover must be
PRODUCT_NAME := lineage_clover
and so on and so on …
Your error message comes from one of these missing points.
You have to compare a official supported device sources with your clover sources for file names and so on. It’s a hard work to get none-lineage sources working. For my oxygen devices I have needed several month and hundreds of builds to get it running
Thanks @harvey186 for you usefull advice (as usual )
However I think this is too much work for the beginner I am
If someone can provide the correct files, my proposal for test-building is still open.
You need to rename the files in you SRC folder to those which are returning an error.
In you folder /srv/src/PIE/vendor/xiaomi/clover/ you will have a file called
The script is looking for
rename to
Now run you script again. You will likely hit another name issue. review the log again and see which file needs renaming again.
Thanks @eggzenbeanz
Build in progress, I will post back the result !
This will produce the same error message as the missing file !!!
This file will also produce an error mk.dependencies
What does he need to do???
Pls see my post #33 …
I can go a little further, now
Now I get :
[1054/1056] including vendor/qcom/opensource/data-ipa-cfg-mgr/ ...
build/make/core/ error: vendor/qcom/opensource/data-ipa-cfg-mgr/hal: MODULE.TARGET.SHARED_LIBRARIES.liboffloadhal already defined by device/xiaomi/clover/data-ipa-cfg-mgr/hal.
10:36:12 ckati failed with: exit status 1
I’ll be busy for a few hours, will recheck and retry later …