Is the clover device a treble device ? Which OS are you running on it ?
Thanks for trying @harvey186
It’s a Clover device with LTE
Originally running Los 17.1 beta from xda device forum
I have tried to build without treble in 2 different ways. coud try if one of it is booting ? If not. pls share error.
version 1
version 2
Both versions install with success in twrp. Both versions boot fine, but seemingly after the e logo they reboot to recovery
Ok, have you format data ? Not only wipe
and could you try flashing this AFTER flashuing eOS ?
Yes format data.
Tried as policy as permissive and it boots, but back to twrp on v1 and v2 zips
Enforcing doesn’t boot at all
Thanks for trying man!!
Ok, but bad
Hope I will find a solution
OK, next try
WTF. let me check …
EDIT: OK, treble was activated in new sources. will run new build later today
Just coming back after the weekend
Thank you soooo much for this @harvey186… Really appreciate it
I’ll install the latest build today.
I’ve been using Bootleggers ROM but will gladly swap it for /e/!
I’ll wait till the evening, then.
Build fails at 77%
Will check tommorrow
Thank you I appreciate it so much
I think I have tried now all available sources. Here my (very) last result. I hope it will work, because there will be no other try. sorry.
And pls don’t forget to FORMAT data. A wipe is not enough.
EDIT: If it isn’t booting you can try 2 ways
- flash first oiginal LOS16 and the eOS
or - flash first orignal MiUI stock rom, update til andoid 9 (if availabe) and than flash eOS
Thank you so much!
Am downloading now, will test later today
coukd you try installing los16 from xda ??
Tried restoring to miui factory then format data and install. Same treble zip compatibility error. Tried los16 flash then format data and wipe, same error.
Thanks for the effort man. If you’re in a position to share steps how you built it I would love to tinker a bit more
Very bad
I can share you the needed roomservice.xml and which changes I have done in device tree and my build script