Murena Fairphone 5 coming?

Good news, as I want to buy my FP5 (or perhaps FP4) here in a local fair store to support them. So I will install the e/OS/ by myself, as I did for FP2, FP4 and for some friends on FP3.

If you want to buy a FP5 (on Android), and install /e/OS by yourself, keep in mind that there might be an impact on its guarantee.

As far as I know, changing the OS does not void your guarantee. But, if you have an issue, Fairphone will ask you to install Android back before helping you, which can be very annoying. It was at least the case when I did that with my FP3.


Thanks a lot for each explaination!
So, I will wait impatiently for more news and instructions.
Of course I’d prefer to buy the phone with e/OS pre-installed, in order to minimize any issue in case of hardware fault and to be sure I can use my banks apps without any lock.
I’ll stay tuned!

There should be no difference about bank apps between a pre-installed /e/ OS phone and an Android phone on which you manually install /e/ OS

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This is correct: I use a FP4 with manually installed e/OS/ and all the bank apps are running properly.

For those checking on the availability of the FP5 on our store

  1. Murena Fairphone 5 is already available on pre-order in most European countries at


  1. Murena will start shipping Murena Fairphone 5 from end of September. More details will be shared on murena.comStarting from end of September you will be able to install /e/OS on the Fairphone 5 via documentation at We expect the Easy Installer for this device to be available before year end


Thanks @Manoj

However, for people living in France, I don’t see how we’ll be able to benefit from the free case mentioned in your link.
This link mentions that the phone needs to be purchased before September 13 (there’s even a specific line for Murena for that), see And that’s impossible: we can only be in the waitlist for now. Does that mean we will be able to pre-order before September 13? Or will Fairphone/Murena accept later orders?

You are right the customers in France will have to be in waiting list at present. The free case is not available in France for now. To be more specific it is Pre-order in most European countries, UK.
Waiting list in France and not available in the US …you can check the details in this post on the Murena site

You mean, you have to delete all your things, make a complete reset with that stupid gougled Android? Let’s hope, I do never need it.

It may be difficult to reinstall the original OS, whe i.e. you display is broken and you don’t see anything. Or, even worse: when you motherboard is broken. I had that once with FP2 in 2017, they had to replace the motherboard because it would not recognize the SIM card anymore. But I don’t remember if I already had installed e/OS/ or not.

Last question concerning
They say to lock the Bootloader after Installation. Can you unlock it later on to reset to the stock OS? Something I am not sure about. Thanks for a hint.

I did not experience using the Fairphone warranty after having manually installed /e/ OS. What I say just relies on the last paragraph of this page:

About the bootloader, yes you can unlock/relock it several times.

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Thank you, this is what I need to know.

Be careful.
Always before locking the bootloader, check the result from “fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability"
If the result is 0 don’t lock the boatloader as you will brick your phone.


Short presentation article, in french:

Have my Fairphone 5 (black Edition) since, 15. September at Home. Just played around with it and I like this concept and smartphone. Yes the camera is not the best, but it’s for me more than ok.

Now I’m waiting for /e/OS to configure / install all my apps and start using the Fairphone 5 productive :slight_smile:

To use the “default” Fairphone OS is regarding all google services a bit scary ^^

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Hi everyone!

I got my FP5 today and well, it is an amazing piece of hardware.
Got the FP2 and FP3 and now 'm very hyped for using e/os with the FP5.
Any news if this is possible to install via easy installer?
I will make a review of the installation process, so yeah, I’m hyped!

Best regards,

Yeah, same here. I was considering buying directly from Murena, but the warranty terms don’t allow installing other OS, and as I’ll likely want to use other OS as well as soon as they become available, I refrained from buying there and bought at Fairphone instead, considering to donate the price difference when I’m installing /e/-OS without having the phone bought here.

However, there’s no visible progress on the Fairphone 5 port, apparently all the work is kept secret so far. As a developer, I’d prefer an open process, as I would also like to support the development and test pre-release software.


You could join the testing Telegram channel and get access to the test build as soon as it is ready for testing


Wait what? They are using telegram for this?

Where I can find the Telegram group link ?