My smartphone never goes automatically to sleep mode

My smartphone : Fairphone 4
My /e/OS version : 2.1-t-20240603406607-stable-FP4

Since 2.0 version (well, I’m 100% the problem is on 2.1, but I think it appeared on 2.0), my FP4 never goes to sleep mode by himself. If I do not press the power button myself, it keeps the screen on and drains the battery.
I’m quite sure it is well configured. It is supposed to go to sleep mode after 60s of inactivity :

  • after approx. 53s the luminosity is a bit lowered (sthing like 50%)
  • after 60s : the screen is black
  • after 65s (i.e after 5s of black screen) the screen is waken up
  • at 65 + 53s the luminosity is a bit lowered (sthing like 50%)
  • etc. etc.

Please help me solving this annoying behaviour


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The issue is not fixed on 2.2-t-20240715417772-stable-FP4

Hi, anyone looking at this ?

Usually Manoj merges such posts as yours to the feedback to this one:

You could also do it now for 2.2 by yourself:

But best would be to report an issue on gitlab. Instructions you can find in my 2 links.

Have you tried running the phone in Safe mode.

In Safe mode only system apps are running.

I suggest your problem is an app which inappropriately stays in the foreground.

Can we determine, is it a system app (an /e/OS problem) or a third party app which you can identify and start to fix.

For Safe mode, long press the Power off button > then long press the Power off icon > Accept the information message.

thank you for this suggestion :

  • First of all, I had rebooted the phone various times (you’ll see further why I’m saying this) before posting here
  • So I rebooted my phone in Safe mode and the issue disappeared. I mean, it totally disappeared. I rebooted it back to normal mode, re-ran the KISS launcher I’m used to use, and am now using my phone as I always did, and the issue is not there anymore :thinking:

Great to hear that!

It was not intended as a permanent fix.

My guess had been that an app was inappropriately running in the foreground.

Your result helps to show that the rogue app was a third party app, not an /e/OS system app. I guess the app was terminated by safe mode, but odd that it was not terminated by a normal reboot.

You might check though your installed third apps to see if any might be prone to requiring to run in the foreground once started, then find a way to deal with that app if the behaviour should reappear.

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