My wish list for /e/

In the hope of prioritising Wishes for /e/ to focus on (showing which ones are most important to the community) here’s an attempt to summarize everyone’s wishes so far.

This approach is not 100% accurate but hopefully represent the comments fairly.

Each topic has total number of “likes” it received and number of posts it was mentioned in. I tried to apply categories to each wish (these might be incorrect - let me know). Also, there is an occasional solution.

Hope this helps :rocket:

Likes Posts Category Wish Possible solution
33 6 System apps possibility to uninstall system apps Uninstall default apps - #29 by AnotherElk
32 8 App store Better app store
  1. many apps are out of date or impossible to find.
  2. The possibility to see in /e/ Apps which apps are installed.
  3. Update history: somewhere in Apps should be a place where is indicated what apps have been updated when.
  4. When searching for apps, in every search query there should be an indicator highlighting FOSS apps (at least optional).
  5. Make sure that applications such as Firefox or Signal are considered by Apps as Open Source applications as well (for now Apps only recognizes those coming from the F-Droid repository as OSS.
  6. Cursor in search box: When hitting the Search button within Apps, the cursor should jump to the search box in order to let the user type his/her query without any extra manipulation.
  7. keep working with an apk mirror, but build feedback options into the App (beyond appid request) and follow up quickly (reported crashes, not up to date. availibility of apps, regular updates of apps.
  8. If I hit “update all” and put app-manager in the background, it downloads but somehow can’t install the packages and then I have to bring app-manager to the foreground and watch it install. Background download and installation would be good already.
  9. access to paid apps via store without having to resort to Aurora.
  10. e-Apps is a good idea but unfortunately doesn’t work fine most of time.
  11. Long term I would hope to use an App store provided by /e/ but users can choose and more easily teach themselves to take responsibility for updating from the correct source.
  12. a usable and up to date (and security scanned) App store.
  13. More apps in the app store.
19 3 Banking apps Bankings apps not working
  1. issues include to work without Magisk hide ( it’s pain to try help family / relarives to use that while OS update will wipe that functionality => I don’t even try and many haven’t changed to use /e/)
  2. SafteyNet support, the check still fails with this app.
  3. Root Detection, still fails with this app on my not rooted device
17 6 Widgets ability to move widgets on various pages
13 6 Backups Backups
  1. Full phone backup program for PC & Mac (apps,app data, files, phone settings).
  2. backup App and a corresponding Nextcloud App to store backups on Nextcloud server (to fully use /e/-Os with nextcloud without the need of an eCloud accout)
13 7 Launcher Bliss improvement
  1. possibility to re-arrange apps in the folder and lot more stability so folders wouldn’t “explode” and throw all the apps around homescreens. This has currently forced me to change another launcher.
  2. Consider to give option to spp drawer and if you do, give option to use app categories.
  3. To be able to place the apps icons where we actually want them to be unlike the buggy current bliss behaviour and to be able to remove them from the home screens.drawer; pages, up down, left, right; widgets
12 6 Notes Notes.
  1. Update of the Notes app.
  2. Like the “orginal” of Nextcloud too, the note app from /e/ should be able to handle more Markdown syntax. ex: Tables work for Nextcloud, not for /e/.
  3. Setting to be able to save the output as .txt or .md would be great too.
  4. adjust the font size.
  5. if you could define the heading of a note separately in the app (as in the original Notes app by niedermann).And it would be good if the heading of a note automatically appeared in BOLD in the notes overview (as in the original notes app).
  6. if you could format texts ((bold, italic) in the desktop-view too, not only in the app.
  7. Allow sharing Carnet notes.
  8. The Notes app lacks a feature for exporting notes in at least one way as a simple, readable file. I don’t need a synchronization with any cloud, I need an export as text or XML or JSON. Because of that missing feature I don’t use it.
  9. Sending a bunch of notes as an email attachment.
  10. if you could select WHERE you are searching in the ecloud (browser view) in the search: If I am in the “Notes” and click on the search icon, I would like to be able to select that I search for the term ONLY in notes and not in the entire cloud. Currently it is searched in apps, notes, files, comments, deck, messages etc. This is quite sluggish, plus it shows me results I don’t even need. When I search for a term in notes, I only want results from the notes to be suggested.
10 3 System apps Minimal install
9 2 Dark mode Dark mode improvements
9 5 Trackers integrated tracker blocker (something like TrackerControl)
9 1 OS updates OTA OS upgrades to prevent the phone from going obsolete
9 2 OS updates Separate projects for the core OS and the UI changes. e-core and e-UI. Users choose at install time whether to use e-UI or the default Lineage OS UI [FEATURE PROPOSAL] Split /e/ OS into separate components for core OS, Apps and UI changes, Cloud services
9 1 System apps No forked apps in e-core unless needed for privacy
9 1 App store Use existing app stores (F-Droid, Aurora Store) in e-core
9 1 System apps New and forked apps and UI changes go in e-UI, can be installed, updated and maintained from e-core (e.g using F-Droid)
8 2 App store Give Apps a blacklist.
8 5 System apps GUI Stable releases
  1. As stable/fast/bug-free as possible.
  2. better testing of new versions before releasing.
  3. stable and reliebale OTA upgrades
6 3 Notifications UI Canalize notifications, mail messages, messenger messages, SMS, MMS, tweets, upcoming calendar events and other crap into one well ordered timeline shown by a single app
5 1 App store /e/ app store ecosystem where app makers can publish their applications so we know where the APKs are coming from
5 1 Launcher like Bliss
5 2 System apps Better camera UI
5 2 privacy A privacy-friendly keyboard with a comprehensive dictionary and glide typing would be great
4 1 Gallery Gallery being able to access SD card
4 1 Mail mail did not access the account
4 1 System apps system apps do really need some perfection (especially the GUI)
4 1 TTS A Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine that is actually understandable. Alternative to eSpeak? - #14 by pmoody
4 1 System apps Faster bug fixing (the mentioned timer bug since 3 updates for FP3 is really annoying, also the non-working exposure notifikation since the last update).
4 1 OS updates OTA upgrades like from Pie to Q without new installation
4 1 OS updates Possibility to save and/or transfer all the data with locked bootloader in order to don’t lose the data with a new installation or when the phone is lost.
4 2 e /e/ os to stop “spreading itself thin”. It’s complicated to have to deal with the user interface, the operating system, not to neglect security, etc. partnerships, cooperatives.
4 2 System apps device on/off times
4 3 System apps Unknown number handling “Things like AntiSpam Caller, Blokada or Tracker Control or Firewalls should not be part of the OS. If there is any need for it, everybody is free to install it seperatetly.”. “There are several good call blocker apps, for instance NoPhoneSpam.”
3 2 App store Have just 1 app store. I agree with not wanting 2 app stores, though I can see if eFoundation has their own, there is better oversight and security.
3 1 GPS dual-head GPS fully working : actually, inherited from LOS, only first head is used
3 1 System apps display of the timer does not work anymore “It is a known problem discussed at github.”
3 1 System apps Notifications of the calendar don’t come in time
3 1 System apps Notifications of birthdays stored in Contacts apparently don’t exist at all.
3 1 encryption a way to encrypt the entire device and unlock at boot (to prevent nasty cellebrite style attacks, many of us are forced to keep bootloader unlocked)
3 1 security kernel hardening
3 1 System apps refork all default apps to update to current versions. Do this regularly with every /e/ minor release. Ask upstream if your needs can be accommodated to refork more quickly again. For an incentive: donate a dividend of whatever gets donated to /e/ to default Apps
3 1 Trackers Tracking Free Wallet, as in IOS, for documents. (no crypto wallet, there are already plenty of it)
3 1 e cloud Nextcloud Hub: Kinda more choices with the awesome apps from Nextcloud. On the one hand for teamwork apps like Circles, Mindmaps and Collectives would already be very useful. The ability to invite people to a virtual workspace would be great.
3 1 push Google-free push notifications
3 1 battery a way to set the maximum charge level would be very nice
2 1 Easy Installer Better Easy Installer compatibility
2 1 Mobile Networks Resource of what phones work on what networks [LIST] Carriers that work or do not work with /e/OS country-wise
2 1 e cloud Simplify folder view at /e/ cloud,
2 1 App store I think (but may be wrong) maintaining such a store fully and daily up to date is a bigger amount of work than the e-staff can really do
2 1 App store I first ‘uninstall’ e-apps, then use F-Droid for a few nomber of added apps and Aurora front-end just in Shelter (two apps only).
2 1 parental A parental control tool. Lock the system in a way that installation of any apps via APK or any store app
2 1 MicroG will microG ever be able to bypass Google’s various (and upcoming attempts) to block apps by means what they name security checks
2 1 encryption select which apps to encrypt might not be possible in e “And some features are only possible in nexus phones because of its special security chip”
2 1 System apps Translator app like Google Translator.
2 1 System apps Integrated app like Shelter to manage private and work space
2 1 System apps Cleanup functionality to remove older data from phone.
2 1 System apps Enhanced keyboard with swipe functionality, multi language support for word suggestions, speech to text, etc.
2 2 System apps QR Scanner in Default Camera app.
1 1 Tasks Working tasks without workaround with Dav5X opentasks, Immortality
1 1 System apps More regular updates of the system apps from their upstream.
1 1 GUI After an SD card is inserted into the phone for the first time, the option to set it up as external/portable storage should be the first option offered, not the second.
1 1 App store The ability to delete default apps permanently and not let them update at all. If I have to use dev options, it is not good enough. Deleting default apps should be as easy as removing them from the homescreen :slightly_smiling_face: No standard functionality should be hidden for regular users. Uninstall default apps - #29 by AnotherElk
1 1 gui different ringtones for the 2 SIM cards
0 1 MicroG Troubleshoot MicroG and Rooted Device Reports
0 1 unofficial builds UNOFFICIAL easy-installer BUILDS
0 1 unofficial builds OTA updates for unofficial builds
0 1 customisation The bar for users to customise /e/ in many ways (including proprietary cameras) is lowered. An example of the flexible learning opportunity of this edition is that, at worst, a factory reset undoes mistakes and the user can restore /e/ as we know and love.
0 1 VoWiFi Stable VoWiFi functionality
0 1 VoLTE VoLTE for supported phones