Need advice, do I try to install /e/OS/ on an unsupported device?

Hai everyone!

I’m new, happy to have discovered /e/OS/. I’m here because of a new device I acquired recently. I bought the HMD Skyline for the reparability and overall eco-score. Definitely did not do my homework before my purchase which is why I’m here. From my stalking of the supported devices page and requests, my phone model is not (yet) supported. Do you all think it is worthwhile to try to get /e/OS/ on it? This is my first rodeo and while I’m confident about my ability to follow the installation steps, I don’t know if it is worthwhile to do so? If it would even work?
Thank you in advance!

Not without trying to build it yourself which from the other threads would be almost from scratch.

Builds are made for individual devices by codename. You could find yours [HOWTO] Find device codename, see if it is a match for tomcat proposed HMD Skyline 5G new device request - #5 by tcecyk.

As that thread has been closed you might add to the active thread HMD Fusion TA-1685

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