Need help: Issue with lounge app by app installation

Hello /e/ mates,

I’ve currently the problem that with the lounge app I can’t install some app.
For example “transportr”, “warpinator”, “ruler”, an can’t update the “vinyl” one.
Every time it download the package, try to install it, but at the end, it tell “retry”.

Strange is that it’s not happened to each apps. Nearby I could update some apps (today for example), or install other. But those 4 given above are really spared.

I don’t where to have a look on what’s happened, for giving more info on it
I tried to delete the cache and the space storage, try to restart, nothing help untill now.

Does someone have other ideas for debugging or to solve it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.


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An interesting question ! Why does it not work for some ? Is there a common factor for those who fail ?

I just tested and installed the transportr and warpinator both installed fine, 7:30 am in UK.

My experience of App Lounge fails would fit with needing a clear line to the remote server, if App Lounge takes more than a few moments to start (that is to say, there is an extended “animated empty” screen before the screen stabilizes to Search or Update) it is likely busy, so I try to guess a less busy time of day.

If I have even 1 fail, I go through the whole performance of clear App Lounge Cache & Storage and logout / Anonymous login and resign Terms of Service.

More clearly

I believe there were one or two posts blaming the SIM card / carrier.

I wrote a checklist here. Anyone can edit it with further suggestions.

App Lounge fails anonymous access [error 429] - #26 by aibd

Thank you for your answer.
I will have a look regarding the advanced privacy part. Yes good point, but I’m not sure if I find something there. What I’ve noticed is all are opensource, but not all in fdroid.

I’m not sure to understand with “Have a clear line to the server indicated by fast page loading.” what to do or check. could you please give me more info ?

I’ve other question to you, are you in anonym mode with the app lounge? is your fictive location activated?
Maybe the fictive location in some parts makes problem…
Regarding to me i’ve in anonym mode and fictive location is on in germany .

Found the problem , that’s was the ip masking option by advanced privacy.
Now all the app are installed or updated.
this issue show me some other one from system.

First I find unpractical that the system don’t present a tool or tool part to display some error issue for any unskilled user. That would be great for any of us to access on some error which the user may begin with it and could ask someone else howto have a look deeper. Regarding my issue, that would be nice to know what’s happened by app lounge. Maybe would be fine to gather my thinking and make an other ticket about it.

An other one was, when I change my fictive location, it has some impact on my display luminosity. Find quite funny that the luminosity don’t referred on my phone clock, but on the location (other ticket :sweat_smile:)…

Well thank you very much for the discussion, I could have some more ideas for my investigation… :+1:

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