Nextcloud not syncing one internal folder

Thanks for your reply. I am afraid I do not understand your reply well.

So if get you right, you mean that I would have to upload files via the nextcloud app in order to have them synced to my cloud. Well in fact that works. But… that is not an “auto-upload” anymore, is it?

Maybe I can turn my question another way:

  • the Photos folder is syncing all files, in both directions. If I take a photo, it gets saved on my DCIM folder and that folder syncs to the cloud and uploads the image there, automatically. I set the auto-upload configuration manually as explained in this thread
  • the Backup folder, that I configured in exactly the same way, does not sync from phone to server.
    => is that because of permission issues from apps, but if so why?

NB: the cloud/server folders were perfectly empty before I started syncing. So why would there be conflicts?