No upgrade available from 1.19.1-s-20240110372023-stable-FP4

i’ve an FP4 with 1.19 on it. In the meantime 2.7 is out, but updater doesn’t show an “update path” (via 2.0 i think).
I’ve read that there was an server issue and older files than 2.4 were not available, but in the meantime more than 3 months have passed…
So where to get the 2.0 image for being able to update? …and i’m not willing to do a completely fresh install
Thanks in advance and best regards

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You will see that there have been a number of fp4 users in this position if you follow the hashtag. In those threads the various hazards are explored.

I answered a similar point here:

… but not the 2.0 image, that is lost due to the outage … so the oldest you will find is 2.4.1.

Be very aware of your Android version and the Android version that is found from the link.

Edit I think that your phone missed the ota-upgrade to Android 13 (T).

thanks for your answer, but i’ve already read this stuff. The links mentioned dont work for 2.0 version (not found). That’s why i was asking where to get them alternativly.
Can it really be, that files get completely lost cause of an “simple” server outage - cant believe that, there don’t exists any backups.

To be clear, that means i’m not able to upgrade to an actualy version anymore?

you don’t need e-2.0-t,
you can simply upgrade to e-2.4.1-t, or e-2.5-t, or latest e-2.7-u
following instructions from this post

ok, thanks, but as this is an dirty/unsupported way - is there no clean/official possibility to upgrade to an actual version anymore (using the updater)?

official way is to wipe the device… and reinstall it as a new…

“dirty” in “dirty-flash” context just mean without wipping anything…
“clean” in “clean-flash” context just mean wipping the /data and /cache partition

As a Murena purchased device, this is a question which you could ask the official support channel.