Notification badges not showing by default?

Hi everyone, hi /e/OS team !

I installed /e/OS 1.3 on a stock Fairphone 4, all by myself (first time custom ROM, yeah!!)
And the notifications badges weren’t enabled by default.
And it wasn’t easy to find where to enable them.
I’ve had to allow Bliss, the pre-installed default Launcher, to access the notifications, via the settings:

  • Settings / Apps & Notifications / Advanced settings / Special access / Notifications Access / BlissLauncher / Allow access to notifications.
    (Translated from french, might not be 100% accurate)
    ( thanks to this thread : Notification badge on app icon)

Every other badge related notification settings were enabled, but this one, deeply buried…

Is this normal setting / behavior, or is it me ? Did I miss something when setting it up the first time ?
Could it be enabled by default?


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